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Taehyung asks me to dance and that's exactly what I do.

I'm at a position in my life where I have willingly handed over my heart to the pizza boy who dropped out of high school, smells of lemongrass and sleeps around with anyone willing - which is to say, everybody. We've been officially together for less than two weeks and I've shamelessly devoted every smile to him and offered him anything he wants; any detail he'd like about me, it's his. It's an odd prospect, as, just this year, I had considered the idea of being so dependent on someone to be rather terrifying, but, with Taehyung, I'd gladly give everything; I'd let him destroy me if that's what he wants.

When I informed my friends about our official relationship, I was, unsurprisingly, met with mixed reactions. Jungkook and Hoseok had been more than gleeful: stupendously excited that their awkward, anxiety-ridden friend finally managed to feel even slightly comfortable around somebody new. But, to nobody's surprise, Yoongi was less than pleased.

I still recall his words when he found out and I keep them in mind as I dance for Taehyung: "I don't want to control your life, Jimin, but I'm older than you and indisputably wiser, so I know what I'm talking about, you know that? If you're willing to devote your life to a beautiful stranger who'll only break your heart, then I have a right to let you know the risk, but no right to stop you. And, I suppose, I just need you to know that when it does undoubtedly all crash and burn, I'll still be here."

Of course, looking back, those aren't the worst words he could have chosen, yet I still got upset, as I always do. Although, as they replay in my mind, I find myself slightly envious of how easily Yoongi can put all his thoughts into words and project them into the world to linger within listener's minds. I suppose that's what makes him such a good songwriter and producer: he knows how to address an audience, how to entice them.

But, that's the least of my worries right now, as a majority of my focus is being projected into my dance. It's become somewhat of a normality for us to meet at our little place beside the pond, so I've become rather accustomed to seeing the incandescing smoulder of the sun's light dappling his aureate skin, but that doesn't make it any less breathtaking a sight.

We had met here after my dance practice today and I had carelessly ranted to him about my nerves concerning an upcoming audition for this major dance company. According to the snake that is Miss Honeywell, a scout is coming to look for talent to dance with his company. It's a huge opportunity.

So, being the nimble-minded soul he is, Taehyung requested to see the dance I'm forced to perform.

My feet are steady and my body actually listens to my mind for once; it's as though Taehyung's presence has sent my body into overdrive, forcing it to move in a graceful way in order to impress him.

As I come to the end of the routine, I collapse into a breathless mess in the grass, my body keeling over due to putting so much emotion into that. I'm met with silence, my enfeebled pants being the only noise that accompanies the low whistle of wind.

Few moments pass before I look up and I'm met with Taehyung's beautiful smile — a smile that never fails to cause an ache in my heart. But, it's not directed at me, no, it's directed toward the camera he clutches so tightly.

When his eyes finally flicker toward me, he spares no second in seating himself beside me, excitedly showing me the screen. I'm surprised to see my body occupying each and every photo he shows me: they're all of me, with my pink hair, the sun bouncing off my body as I leap in the air or contort my body into an elegant arabesque. I'm also surprised to see how beautiful the photos are, it's hard to believe that's me.

"Tae, these are..these are wonderful." I utter, fixating my eyes up his face, watching as he smiles more.

"Yeah, well, that's because you're really photogenic."

I feel heat clamber across my skin, my blush enlarging due to his unwavering gaze upon me.

"This is going to sound kind of weird, Jimin, but you've inspired me."

"I-inspired you? How could I have possibly done that?"

He chuckles warmly, "since meeting you, I've found myself rediscovering my old interests, my old dreams. You've made me interested in them again," his gaze flails slightly from me, as if he feels bad about something, but I don't question it after I hear what he says next, "Park Jimin, I'd like you to be my muse."


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