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"I don't think I'm going to go for that scouting thing." Jungkook declares as we sit together at our regular cafe during one late afternoon.

The low sun prompts hues of hazy pink and azure to swarm the sky and project a swarth of warmth that infests the town. However, as if to juxtapose the serenity, Jungkook's declaration sparks some form of shock within me.

"Huh? What the— why?" I splutter. This is such a huge opportunity considering how large the dance company is and such an offer doesn't come around everyday. Also, Jungkook holds such talent, it'd be absurd for him not to flaunt it.

He exhales lowly, shrinking in his seat, "I dunno, I just feel like I've hardly spent anytime at this school, it wouldn't be fair for me to come in and steal that spot."

"For fucks sake," of course he was just being arrogant, "here I was thinking you actually had some form of legitimate reason.."

"Hey! That is a legitimate reason!" He practically yells, attracting the attention of the few customers that reside here.

"No, you're just being cocky, as usual, I mean, who says you'd even be offered the spot?"

"Psh, c'mon, who else'd get it, you?"

"Oh, fuck off, I'm better than you'll ever be."

"Yeah, like that matters, you never put yourself out there." He reasons, his tone mellowing out into one of sorrow.

"But I'm actually going to go for it this time." I say, rather weakly, disappointed in my own self-doubt.

"You don't sound very convinced."

"Well, I am. I am convinced and I am sure I'm going to get it."

"Uh-huh." he replies curtly, literally sipping his tea.

"God, you're awful."

"What?" He mimics being shocked, opening his mouth wide to put his widened eyes to shame, "you know I always support your decisions, even if they're dumb as fuck — which most of them are."

"Oh, my decisions are dumb? What about your brilliant idea to put a lightbulb in the microwave?"

"Um, that was drunken antics, it doesn't count."

"Fine, then what about when you broke your own washing machine so tried to use our's, only to use the wrong detergent and then, in an attempt to salvage your washing, you pulled the door off and flooded the room?" I snicker fondly at the memory. Of course, it hadn't been funny at the time, not with Yoongi's anger, but, looking back, it was quite hilarious.

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