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The sun cascades down on the town, the rays leaking through the clearing of the vegetation that shrouds us. Green-soaked leaves whistle cleanly, moving in compliance with the summers breeze. With the sky painted a candid blue, the brief manifestations of cotton clouds are easily variated.

Taehyung follows behind me as we walk through the woods, his smile never faltering.

Occasionally, I find myself peering back at him, loosing myself in his beauty. Today he's dressed in jeans with numerous striped and spotted patches stitched to random places, a white shirt, with a denim jacket and chunky boots. With the camera hanging from his neck, he looks almost like a professional photographer.

I'm simply dressed in black jeans and a tshirt, but I don't feel inadequate; I don't think I could ever feel inadequate when he's doused with such tranquility.

Every now and again, the serenity of our walk is accompanied by Taehyung's deep humming and it makes me wonder what kind of music he listens to - I wonder if we'd have that in common.

We've been walking for near enough twenty minutes and we've been in this halcyon of quietude for a majority of it. Honestly, it's quite peculiar how content I am with just having him there. I've never felt this way about anyone.

After a little while, we reach our destination and I instantly turn to Taehyung, watching as his grin broadens.

Before us is a crystalline projection of peace. Fragments of blue glisten angelically in the contemporary waters of the pond; slithers of green intermingled with the murky azure. Rows of plantation cling to the banks of mud, stopping just before infusing with the water. Faint twitters of birds ring in our ears and I truly feel at peace.

"Woah," Taehyung slightly gasps, running his fingers through his red hair, "Jimin, this place is beautiful."

"Isn't it?" I reply, grinning from ear to ear.

"I had no idea a place like this was in our town, and I've lived here for three years."

I chuckle softly at this, "I only discovered it a few months ago. There's never anyone here and it's just a nice place to collect myself...I guess."

"Collect yourself?" He questions quietly, padding forward to further immerse himself in the newfound haven.

"Mmm," I follow his lead, taking minuscule steps forward until my feet meet the waters edge and there's a susceptible place for me to sit.

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