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"What the fuck, Kim Taehyung?" I pant, leaping from the trolley as soon as he pulls us to a stop, underneath a bridge.

"Why the hell are you out of breath? I'm the one who was running." Taehyung grips his fingers around his thighs, leaning forward and breathing erratically.

"I'm out of breath because I think I'm having a fucking heart attack, what was that?!" I gasp, my body barely withstanding the intensity of the situation before me. My breathing is unsteady to compete with my heartbeat, my palms tightening and sweating profusely.

"Relax, it's just fruit." He tries to justify, his eyes not meeting mine, yet his smile is so radiant, it's almost comforting.

"Just fruit? Does it matter? Stealing is against the law, regardless of whether it's just fruit."

"Jimin," his voice flutters like hopeful butterfly wings, softly bestowing their calm upon my being. It's peaceful, so much so, that my breathing almost settles and my body is almost lighter, "just breathe."

I do so, welling my eyes closed, watching the speckles of light as they conspire and dance against the skin of my eyelid. His arms wrap around me, warmth dispersing from his fingertips and injecting tranquility into my veins, coaxing the panic right out.

I remain enchanted by his touch for moments which evaporate in the polluted air before us, before pulling myself back, feeling too enclosed by the stench of lemongrass.

"It's just for fun, Jimin, no need to get worked up over the little things."

"I don't think breaking the law is particularly that little of a thing."

"Look up."

Confused, I follow his gaze, averting my eyes from him, toward the stony bridge before us.

We stand atop a muddy bank, barely protruding from the side of the road, shaded by a fruitless bridge that crosses over nothing but land.

The other side of the structure projects a road, with never-ending traffic, despite the diminutive size of our town.

"Listen to the cars."

And I do. I listen wholeheartedly to the screech of car tyres and the rumble of engines right above our heads.

"You hear that? They're driving away."


He's insane. He's insane. He's-

He looks at me, silver locks drenched across his eyes, dappling my vision of him. He cocks his head slightly, an open smile playing against his lips.

"They're driving away to get on with their lives. Perhaps they're going to a different town, a different city, maybe a different country. Perhaps they're going to work... or to a friend's house, or perhaps they're going to murder somebody."

My breathing hitches but his eyes are calm and deep, staring at me as if I'm a museum exhibit.

"Who knows?" He pauses, flicking a strand of hair from his face, "point is, soon they'll be miles and miles away, long gone from this town, getting on with their own lives. There are so many people on this planet, just imagine all of those cars that went by within that minute, think of all the different places all of those different people went to."

I do as he says, thinking through all of the possibilities that spring to mind, my mind broadening with the mere quandaries of where they could have gone.

"Why get so hung up over stolen fruit when the world is so big and vast that such a minuscule act quite literally means nothing?"

Our gazes interlock, pupils intermeshing and coming to a compelling understanding of sorts. My prior discontent fuses into a swarth of comfort, just by looking into those iridescent pools of hazelnut.

Looking at him, I finally feel like I can breathe.


lol such bullshit but i swear it'll pick up soon oops.

on another note, i'm thinking of publishing my new story soon ?? it's a taegi story & i'm really proud of it so far, like the writing is way better than this crap lmao.

anyway,,,,,,,, thank you for 800 reads !! oh my, ily xxxx

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