5:"Let me go!" (1.29.20)

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I apologize for those pesky typos!!

The stadium held what seemed like thousands of people. I remember one time hearing Alex talk about how it wasn't even a year old, and the town was completely in love with it. Who could blame them? The field was covered in new turf and our town name was placed inside of each end zone.
The stadium was glorious.
We won the game by six points, thanks to Brody, who is unsurprisingly our all-star quarterback. I was surprised that Brody hadn't bragged to me about being QB1, but I had seen him surrounded by cheerleaders on more than one occasion in the hallways, but as soon as he'd seen me, he would walk away from them and tease me about whatever he could.
Looking out onto the field, I stare at the number twenty-six. Brody is smirking - what else is new - and clapping his buddies on the back in victory. He says something to someone before walking off the field, his beautiful eyes searching the crowd, looking focused. My chest rises and falls a bit quicker when his eyes meet mine. Brody tilts his head to the side like a child would, a smirk appearing once more. I roll my eyes playfully.
"Come on," he lips, ushering me forward. I point to myself. Me? He wants me to go see him? He nods his head and laughs.
I look over at my friends to find them singing together "We Are The Champions" with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. I smile at that and decide to make my way towards Brody, who was waiting at the edge of the field expectantly. I excuse myself politely as I bump into people and finally, I make it. I'm once again elevated two-three feet above him, due to the ramp separating us.
I lean over the railing and put my face into my left hand. "How can I help you?" I ask kindly.
Brody's hair was damp with sweat and water. His biceps glistened with under the field lights. After subtly checking him out, I look back up at his face to find him staring at me. I clear my throat, causing Brody to blink a couple of times.
"Oh, nothing, I just wanted you to tell me how good I was," Brody replies nonchalantly. I scoff at that.
You did play pretty well...
"You aren't getting anything out of me, Brody-boy. Sorry," I lean further into railing subconsciously, a smile playing on my lips.
Brody clicks his tongue in disappointment and looks down at the ground, kicking the turf with his cleat. "Well," he mumbles, and I can barley hear him over the buzzing crowd behind me, "I guess I'll just have to-!" He cuts himself off by reaching over the railing and picking me up by my waist, lugging me over his shoulder.
I squeal in surprise. "Brody! Let me go!" I scream through laughter. Upside down, the only thing I can see is his number. I look down and realize I'm pretty far off the ground.
"Not until you tell me that I was amazing and that you enjoyed watching the game and that you'll come to the next one." Brody's voice travels though his body and not only can I hear him talk, but I can feel it too - the subtle rumble of his voice bellowing and the way his body shakes as he chuckles.
"Brody. Let. Me. Down." I say in absolute seriousness.
I either look like I'm getting kidnapped by the all-star QB, or we for sure look like a couple. Unfortunately, I believe it's the latter.
Brody carries me off of the field and towards the locker room. "Brody! Brody, stop! There's going to be naked guys in towels in there!" I pound on his back with my fists and kick my legs in the air, but Brody quickly puts his hands on the back of my knees, keeping my legs still.
"Calm down, Noodle," Brody laughs and continues to carry me past the locker rooms and he finally sets me down. I don't bother turning around. "Promise me you'll go to the next game?"
I look at Brody with a scowl on my face. "What the heck?! Dude, you can't just pick me up and carry me somewhere. You could be a rapist!" I shrug, throwing my hands in the air in frustration.
Brody stares at me. For a split second I am captivated by his grey eyes as they pierce through my plain ones. I feel self-conscious over how boring my brown eyes are. There's nothing special about Hudson River eyes...
"You know me well enough to know I'm not a rapist," he says, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm gonna go shower before I meet you guys there" He looks behind me questioningly. "Is that alright?"
I look behind me and find our whole group behind us, staring at me with wide eyes. "Yeah, see you there," Anden says.
Where are we even going? And why are they all looking at me like that?
I turn back to Brody, curiosity coursing through my veins, but he's already running back into the locker room for a shower.
His jersey! I needed to give it to him!
Willa tugs on my arm and drags me to Alex's car, where they drive us back to school so we can all pile into my car.
Cora asks, "Where are your parents?" when we pull into my empty driveway.
I park and kill the car. "I don't live with my parents,"
"Roommate?" Willa chimes in as we all get out.
"No," I reply, walking up to my front door with my bag thrown over my shoulder. As soon as I unlock it, the girls rush inside.
"This place is beautiful! So you live with relatives?" Willa presses, looking around my living room and kitchen.
"No," I begin to walk upstairs to my room. Multiple pairs of footsteps are heard trailing behind me.
My house is a two bedroom, two bathroom, two-story house. It was a more modern type of home and I immediately fell in love with the white interior. Dad may not know me well, but he obviously knows me well enough to know that I love modern homes.
"Nice bedroom," Anden says, nodding her head in approval.
My bedroom consisted of a white vanity, a white dresser, and my white comforter over my bed. My accent color was charcoal gray. A gray wall was located behind my bed, and a throw blanket was scattered across my bed messily.
"Yeah, super nice. Remind me to crash at your place one day." Cora jokes as the three slowly walk around my room, appreciating everything around us.
A smile plays on my lips. "Of course. Whenever you want."
"Are you sure the people you live with won't mind?" Willa asks, her eyebrow quirked upward.
I seriously don't want to talk about it, Willa, so please just drop it.
But I know she won't, so I proceed to tell her, "I live alone," which temporarily shuts her up.
No, I don't live with perfect parents and perfect siblings in this perfect house. I live in this perfect house with my imperfect self, and that's how it's going to be, considering Dad is way too focused on work to take care of his daughter.
Who do you think is paying all of these bills? That's right, your dad.
I sigh. That much was true.
Maybe he cares enough about keeping me out of the way that he goes out of his way to prevent me going back.
Anden is a smart, laid back girl with a strong sense of when to speak up, but for the most part she's pretty quite. "I think it's time for a subject change," Anden said.
Cora, on the other hand, is the bold one. She speaks her mind whenever, wherever. She doesn't care who's around or who isn't. She's pretty straightforward.
Now, Willa... Willa is so sweet. She's a very odd and bubbly person and has an exquisite sense of fashion. I loved her for who she was.
I love all of them for who they are. These are my girls!


Sorry, loves:/ but I gotta leave ya hangin for the next chapter.

So today I made an amazing friend, MissAnnabellaKay and I am so happy that she PMd me!!! You made my day, "Annabella":))

I ALSO am not sick anymore!! Woooooo YAYYYYYYYYYYYY.

How have I already reached like, 680 reads? Just yesterday I was at 300. I am suspicious-_-




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