27:"There's that breathtaking smile."

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Sunday rolled around rather sooner than I had thought. I was packing two suitcases - one for clothes and another for towels, my bathing suit, ponytails, my makeup bag, brushes, and feminine products just in case I or someone else needed them.

It was nine o'clock when I took a break to eat dinner and clean up the house before I'd be in another country for almost a week.

I was so excited, I could barely sit still. I had never been out of the country, and from the Google photos, Quito looked like a wonderful place to be!

Brody and Remi and Alex thought it would be a good idea to hang out for the weekend and have some guy time before Brody left, while Anden and Willa and Cora came over yesterday to help me figure out everything I needed to pack for Quito.

I was exhausted after finishing my suitcases, cleaning the living room, the kitchen, my bedroom, and the bathroom. Finally, at one in the morning, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


My 4:30am alarm went off. I rushed out of bed, still in my pajamas. I grabbed my phone, a hoodie, my suitcases, my wallet, and my passport. Then I headed out the door in my bunny slippers. It took me thirty minutes to get to the airport. My class, including Brody, were already outside waiting. I hurried out of my car and opened my back seat to grab my bags.

I turned around, blowing a strand of hair out of my face, to witness Brody standing in front of me in all his sleepy glory. He wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, his hair a mess. I wanted to laugh at him, but he looked so adorable.

"I'll take those for you," He offered. I gave him the smallest smile as I handed them over. "Nice bedhead, by the way." He teased, smirking down at me.

"I could say the same to you, Parker." I retorted, hugging myself for warmth. Even with my hoodie, I was still freezing. "You know, you're something." I added, shivering. I shut my door and locked my car.

"And you're something I'd love to see every morning." Brody replied, offering me a mischievous smirk. I smacked him on the arm in response. Because of that, I received a wink.

Gosh, he could be such a flirt.

"Okay! Now that we have everyone in, we can all go check and make sure we have our passports and are ready to get on our flight." Mrs Russo called. Brody carried my bags, along with his one suitcase.

"Must be nice, being a minimalist." I muttered beside him after we went through the metal detectors.

"Must be nice being as adorable as you," Brody mumbled in response, a smile on his lips.

I blushed a deep red and suddenly found comfort in my bunny slippers. I was honestly surprised Brody hadn't mentioned anything about them yet, but the boy seemed to have his hands full with our bags.


For some reason, somehow, Brody managed to sit next to me on the six hour flight. I was so tired from only getting three and-a-half hours of sleep. After thirty minutes of flying, I became too tired to keep my eyes open.

Brody had sensed my exhaustion, laughing as I yawned loudly. "Sleepy?" He whispered. Either my classmates were sleeping, or they were studying.

At this hour, I knew what I would be doing.

"Yeah, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night," I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

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