18:"You. Me. Homecoming on Saturday."

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"It's November now. That means it's time to put up your Christmas trees, BITC-" Cora yelled, but Remi calmly covers her mouth, ignoring her death glare. Honestly, if anyone could handle Cora and her bold personality, it'd be Remi.

Brody and I still had some bad blood going on, but I was too afraid of what would happen if I tried talking to him again, so I haven't. Today after school, I start my first day at the diner.

Honestly, I was nervous. Beside me, my phone chimed. Alex, being his nosey self, looked over to see who had texted me. It was Katrina, asking if I could take care of Collin today after I got out of school. Alex sees my lock screen and stares at Brody, eyes wide.

"SINCE WHEN?!" He yelled, gaining the entire gang's attention. Before I can stop him, Alex grabs my phone and shows everyone. Their eyes widen. My face heats up, and I can no longer look at anyone.

"You have a kid?" Anden asked, elbowing me. I shake my head vigorously, shoving my head in my hands.

"No!" I shrieked, lifting my head up and staring at her. "Are you crazy?!"

"This is such a cute picture!" Willa giggled, holding my phone. I groan. Brody seemed to be enjoying this situation silently, and that pissed me off more.

"Brody, I'd like to hear what you have to say about this," With eyebrows raised, I cross my arms, waiting.

Brody stared at me. "We met a boy named Collin who was alone at the arcade. A girl working there came up and asked if we needed a picture taken, and Collin insisted that we did. Afterwards we took him to McDonald's and Gracelynn decided to be a douche and accuse his family of purposely not providing Collin of what he needs. In reality, his mom, Katrina, can't afford him and is trying as hard as she can."

Silence clouds the table. My cheeks flare up and anger courses my veins. Willa silently hands me my phone. I hurriedly shove my phone into my bag and get up to leave.

I'll just text Katrina later.


In eighth period, Brody doesn't take his usual spot behind me - he sits with the girl who told him off before. She offered him a glare, then looked at me questioningly. With a sigh, I pull out my notebook and attempt to pay attention to Mrs Russo talk about what she normally did. I clicked my pen continuously out of nervousness about the upcoming quiz.

I didn't know if I was going to fail or pass, since I didn't have Brody to ask to meet up with.

"Yo, hot girl," I turn around to find Lance, slightly bruised face and all, smirking at me. Since Brody left, Lance thought it would be okay to fill in his position behind me.

I knew he was the one that said it.

"What?" I scoff. I saw Brody turn in his seat towards the two of us.

"You mind putting that pen down? You're becoming distracting in more than one way." Lance winked. Bile rose in my throat. I force myself to swallow it, turning back around in my seat.

I felt Brody's eyes boring a hole into the side of my head, but I choose to ignore it. If he wanted to be a jerk, let him be a jerk.

See if I care, Parker.

In class, I try to write as many notes down as possible because unlike other students, I actually go back to them before tests. Not everyone could be like the terrific Brody Parker and barely pay attention to pass.

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