19:"You're burning up, Noodle."

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"Noodle... Come on, we have to get Collin home. It's eleven." Brody gently shakes me awake.

Rubbing my eyes, I open them to see Collin right in my face. My mind was hazy, but I could make out his Cheshire grin. "Come on, get up! I wanna see Mommy!" He grabbed onto my arm, attempting to pull me up. Brody chuckled, shaking his head.

With a groan, I get up, slip my shoes on, and all three of us are out the door. "Don't be out too late, you guys!" Valerie shouted from the kitchen. Why she was up at this hour, only Lord knows why.

"We won't!" Brody called back while he ushered us out of the house. Collin begged us for McDonald's, and we couldn't ignore his pleads.

Brody glanced over at me questioningly. I was still half asleep, but I made it into the car at least. "Can we go, Gracie?" Brody asked, looking towards me, then to the road, then to me again.

Where I really wanted to go was to bed, but I guess that was out of the equation until later. My eyes were dried out from sleeping, and my limbs were still stiff. Finally, I come to a decision. "As long as I get a vanilla ice cream, you boys can get whatever you'd like," I managed, looking back at Collin. I watched him erupt with joy.

"Chicken nuggets, chicken nuggets!" He sang loudly, clapping his hands together. Brody and I share a look:

This is the cutest kid in the entire world.

Yeah, that look.

I yawned, stretching my arms out so that my hand lay on the center console while the rest of me curled up against the cold window. I was burning up, and I could tell. My throat felt itchy and dry. I feel Brody's hand slowly encase mine, intertwining our fingers together. Every time he grabbed my hand, my heart beat a million miles a minute.

Electricity shot through my hand, up my arm, and warmed my chest. No exaggeration.

I felt it in every single bone in my body. I couldn't describe the feeling to you, but believe me when I say that I sure do feel it. He squeezes my hand for comfort, and when I don't turn to him, he takes notice.

"Are you okay? You're freezing. Do you need me to turn the heat on?" He asked. I turned to him and he swallowed. "Come here," he said as he gently pulled his hand out of mine, placing it on my forehead. He frowned.

"You're burning up, Noodle."

Silently, I turn away from him, attaching myself to the cold window. I watch through heavy eyelids as we pulled into the McDonald's drive-thru.

"Are you okay, Gracelynn?" Collin asked from the backseat.

"Gracelynn's sick, little man," Brody answered for me. Somehow he seemed to know when I'll respond. After he ordered a Happy Meal, he ordered a vanilla ice cream cone for me. A small, soft smile crept up on my lips as I felt Brody take my hand again, this time picking it up and kissing it softly. A warm feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

"I said no kissing!" Collin complained as we pull up to the window. I'm half-aware of Brody grabbing our food. A small finger taps my shoulder. I slowly lift my head up and turn around, meeting a grinning Collin holding my ice cream cone with both hands.

Another smile reveals itself as he says, "This is my 'you better feel good soon' present. Surprise!"

"Thanks, Sweetie," I mumble, taking it from him. As soon as the ice cream ran down my throat, it opened back up. The sharp ache fades away as I continue eating. I still felt like crap. I felt a headache coming on from how cold the ice cream was, but I go limp against the door anyways.

I felt bad that Brody and I didn't actually study tonight. I also felt bad for not being able to keep up with Collin, thanks to the fact that I was getting sick. When we arrived to his house, I say goodbye from the car and watch Brody walk him to the front door. After that I close my eyes and fall asleep, my eyes completely giving up.


"Gracie, you're home," Brody lightly shakes me awake. I was freezing. When I open my eyes, Brody is standing over me worriedly. "Man, you're sick. Come on, let's get you to bed." He grabbed my hands and helped me get out. I walked up to my porch, Brody by my side.

I open my front door and am immediately greeted by cold air. I shivered. "It's so cold," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around myself. Brody shuts the door behind him.

"I think you need to take something. Where do you keep your medicine?" He asked, walking to the kitchen.

"Fourth cabinet, left of the microwave," I muttered, flopping on the couch in the living room. I felt like passing out. I grab a blanket from the end of the couch and put it over me, an attempt to get warm.

Brody comes back with Tylenol, a glass of water, and a thermometer. He frowned when he saw me with the blanket to my chin. He set everything on the coffee table and took my blanket away slowly. "Your body is overheating, Gracie, you can't cover yourself up." He quietly warned. I frowned. Brody picked up the thermometer and slid it across my forehead.

Through heavy eyelids, I watch Brody read my temperature. "102.3"

I sighed. "Crap," I slowly get up, making my way upstairs to the shower. "I have to go to school tomorrow."

"Go shower and get ready for bed. I'll sleep over to make sure you're okay, and no - you're not going to school tomorrow. I'll take care of everything. Get in the shower."

I was too exhausted to argue, and I knew it wouldn't do any good.

When Brody said something, he meant it, and there was no way you could change his mind.

I tread up the stairs slowly, walk into my room and grab clothes, then pad across the hallway to shower. I was shivering, but I knew it would do my body no good to take a hot shower. After my chilly shower, I felt cold, but at least I wasn't gross.

I make my way to my bedroom without looking for Brody. I felt that I would only last a few more seconds before falling asleep for good. And I was right. As soon as I had finished stumbling over clothes in the floor and made my way to my bed, I almost instantly fell asleep.

I was subconsciously aware of Brody coming in my room. "Goodnight, Noodle," he whispered. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Get better soon."



This is a short chapter because the last one was a HUGE chapter. I had another chapter written but I HATED it.

Also, I hit 10k!!!! You guys are freaking awesome! I couldn't have done this without each and every one of you. Keep commenting - I love seeing them and replying! It makes my day, talking to you guys.

Until next time!

Unsinkablexships 💜

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