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Months ago, I told my boyfriend I loved him on New Year's Eve.

Now, here we were, hiking with Andy and the gang.

"Oh my sweet baby Jesus, please tell me this trail ends soon." Alex complained from the back of our line.

We had four trails to choose from - the red trail, the purple trail, the blue trail, or the white trail. None of us could decide, so Alex just began walking down the white trail. The width of the trail was about three feet, so we all had to walk in a single file line.

Unsurprisingly, Alex gave up about a fifth of a mile in and fell back behind all of us. Andy was leading, with Brody and I behind her.

Mosquitoes and flies were everywhere. A cricket landed on Cora earlier, which caused her to have a fit about her outfit now being "ruined".

"I'm so sick of his complaining," Andy mumbled from the front of the line.

Andy and Alexander definitely did not get along. In fact, they hated each other. We loved it when they argued because it was likd we were watching a show on MTV. They argued about the dumbest things. If Alex did something stupid, everyone but Andy just blew it off, because Alexander Beautmont was practically famous for his stupidity.

I laughed at Andy's comment.

The backpack I was carrying was beginning to feel heavy, and my phone read that we had been walking four miles.

And we've been out here for three hours already.

I slowed down a bit to readjust my backpack. Brody glanced over his shoulder at me before stealing the backpack from me. "Here, I've got it."

I gave him a thoughtful smile and thanked him.

"Come on now guys, keep going. We don't need you two making out on the trail, we need to get moving. It's hot and I don't like the fact that we can't actually see the ground." Anden rolled her eyes at the two of us.

As usual, Anden loved to tease Brody and I.

I offered her a shrug before I pushed Brody along.


"ALEXANDER BEAUMONT," Cora yelled from the top of the stairs.

We all helped rent out a cabin in the mountains for us to stay in for spring break. We'd been here for three days and so far so great.

Brody and I were cuddled up on the couch in front of the fire, watching Alex stalk through the living room from the kitchen.

He threw his hands up in the air at Cora's yelling. "What?!"

Cora stormed down the stairs and got extremely close to Alex's face. "Did you know, that you made us walk TEN MILES TODAY?!"

"I made us do that?! I didn't do anything!"

"Yes you did! You just started walking down the longest trail of the four!" Cora argued.

"You could've told me to come back!" Alex retorted.

Cora's face was beet-red.

I could practically see the steam coming out of her nose and ears.

"You wouldn't have LISTENED." Cora screamed.

By now, Anden, Remi, Willa, and Andy had poked their heads around the corner and watched. Brody's chest began shaking, and when I looked up, I found him silently laughing.

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