6:"The gang is all here!"(4.06.20)

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We drove to Alex's house. Apparently that's what they always did after a game. Alex had candy, popcorn, and games laid out in the living room, but as soon as I walked in the door, I just wanted to sit down again. Brody was sitting on Alex's leather couch, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I wanted to giggle at the sight, but he looked so interested that I decided against it.
"The gang is all here!" Alex exclaimed when we walked through the front door. Brody's eyes travelled over to me, but he quickly looked away as Kim Kardashian screamed on the screen.
"Geez, woman. Calm down." Brody mumbled to the TV, grabbing a bowl of M&M's. I made my way over quietly and sat down next to him. My legs were tired and they felt a bit shaky.
I decided not to think about the possibility that maybe I was feeling this way about someone in particular.
His eyes were trained on the TV, which kind of scared me. I had never seen him so focused before. Alex plopped down next to me with another bowl of candy. "He's always like this. He loves the drama, I swear."
Brody reached over me and stuck his hand in Alex's bowl, grabbing a few pieces of candy before stuffing it all in his mouth. His eyes never left the screen.
Anden, Cora, Willa, and Remi made their way into the kitchen in search of more food.
Hours passed and my eyes grew heavy. I forced myself to stay awake during our game of Monopoly. So far, Willa was kicking everyone's butt, and Brody was in jail with Alex.
"Why do I see our lives playing out like this in about ten years?" Cora asked. All of us were gathered in a circle around the game board, sitting in the living room floor.
I shrugged as I bit back a yawn, checking the time.
"It's getting late, you guys." I said, hoping that someone would get the hint that I was exhausted and wanted to go home.
My stomach was full of popcorn and candy, and my eyes were falling more and more by the minute. I opened my eyes wide to witness Brody staring at me again from across the board.
"Seriously, dude, you gotta quit with the creepy staring. It's unattractive and unsettling." I groaned, rubbing my face.
I didn't know what to do with the guy.
But I seriously didn't need a creepy guy staring at me at three in the morning while playing a friendly, innocent game of Monopoly.
I just wanted to go bankrupt so I could go home to my bed that was waiting for me. I didn't have any houses, hotels, or property at all.
I used to play Monopoly with Collette and Nick when we were younger. The two of them would gang up on me and whoop my butt, and it seemed that the gang was trying to do the same thing here.
"I wasn't staring. I was admiring." Brody replied.
I was silent as a blush crept up my neck.
I had no clue what to say or what to do. No one has ever told me that before, and clearly Brody hadn't ever said it, based off of the looks to the two of us got. Willa sat there, staring at the board with wide eyes like she couldn't even look at any of us.
Anden stared at Brody with a curious look in her eyes, making me feel even more anxious.
Cora was still playing out her turn, ignoring us. Alex's jaw was dropped in surprise and the stare Alex sent to Brody had me shaking.
I had no clue what was going on.
Remi simply watched with eyebrows raised, taking in the situation like we were the ones on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
"Well okay," I coughed, feeling very uncomfortable with how silent everyone was. Now I really wanted to be home.
Anywhere but here.


Apparently, charades was a must-play, along with Twister. I volunteered to be the spinner for Twister the entire time, almost falling asleep in between spins. Watching six teenagers on a tiny mat was a sight to see, ladies and gentlemen. They were so tangled up and serious about what they were doing.
Cora was balancing Alex on top of her as he reached for yellow with his left foot. I watched as Brody placed himself directly in front of me, a smirk on his face.
"You should try this, Gracelynn," He chuckled. My eyes grew wide in response.
"No, I'm not really that good." I admitted.
Now that I thought about it, I was never good at any games in my life. Collette would always beat me and let Nick cheat in order to beat me too.
"Oh, come on it'll be fun." He replied, slowly inching his way towards me. Of course I took notice, but I just thought that he was searching for an open blue spot - the color closest to me.
Out of nowhere, Brody grabbed at my leg, pulling me out of my chair and into the floor. My butt hit the ground hard, right next to Brody himself, who smirked proudly.
I wanted to hurt him for pulling me out of my chair. Around me, everyone had fallen - all but Brody Parker himself. Alex looked like he wanted to murder me for messing up his precious game of Twister.
"Looks like I win!" Brody exclaimed, jumping up from the ground.
"Thanks Gracelynn!" Alex whined, shooting me a dirty look.
"I'm sorry. You know, I think it's best if I just go home." I replied, nervously looking down at the Twister mat. I wanted to tackle Brody, but Remi prevented it when he brought up charades.
"Oh yeah!" Alex exclaimed, jumping up. We all made our way over to the couch while Alex started the game. I began to doze off when it came to Willa's turn.
My eyelids fell, finally welcoming sleep.


Okay, so this is the new chapter six! This does not count as my Wednesday upload, but please do not comment about how much you hate this chapter, because YES, IT IS A BORING OLD FILLER, NO IT IS NOT AS INTERESTING AS THE ORIGINAL CHAPTER. But this chapter goes along with the storyline more.



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