31:"Does it look like I'm joking here?"

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We ate breakfast out on the beach front, which consisted of bread and cheese with juice. The light breeze eased my nerves. It felt crazy to think that Thanksgiving was so close. Time just seemed to fly by this school year. In front of us, an older couple with two toddlers played in the sand and build sand castles. Their little girl was squealing happily, throwing sand at her older brother. I watched him offer her a smug smirk before picking up the bucket beside him that was filled with sand. Her eyes widened, then she let out a battle cry and ran towards the ocean. The couple laughed quietly at the occurrence, almost as if it were a normal thing.

Her big brother chased after her and quickly caught up. He lifted the bucket over her head and down came the sand, swallowing her little body whole.

I giggled at the sight, glancing beside me to realize Brody was watching as well, a warm grin on his face. "They're so cute." I said, putting my face in my hand.

Brody nodded in response. We sat in silence for a few moments. Out of the corner of my eye, two horses walked along the water. My entire focus transitioned to them. In that same time, Brody rose from his chair, offering me his hand. I took it gently and let him lead me to the shore.

The men on the horses stopped in front of us and got off. The two men spoke to Brody clearly, stating that the cost would be taken care of.

The two men left, leaving just Brody, me, and the two horses. I stared at the horses in front of me. "What is this?" I mumbled, dazed.

"This is us riding horses on the beach." Brody said, and before I knew it my feet were lifted off of the ground. I let out a tiny squeal of surprise before I was placed on a grey horse. I grabbed the reigns hurriedly to gain balance. I looked over and found Brody climbing on top of the other horse.

"Are you kidding?" I questioned, looking below me. The horse was as calm as it could be, just patiently waiting for permission.

"Does it look like I'm joking here?" Brody replied, motioning to his horse.

I let out an airy laugh. "I guess not. How do I do this?" I questioned, carefully observing the reigns.

"You just pull a bit, then they go," He did so as he spoke, and the horse began to walk slowly. A smile lit up his face.

I smiled, turning my attention to my own horse. I gently pulled and the horse snailed up next to Brody's. "I think I'm getting the hang of it!" I exclaimed, pulling a bit harder. Now, my horse was walking at a normal pace.

Brody's horse was by my side the entire time. While we trotted along the water, Brody and I talked about many things. We talked about Thanksgiving, the gang, the wedding, even Andy.

Afterwards, Brody held my hand and led me into a small café. It reminded me of Justin, in a way. My heart swelled at the thought of that sweet old man. Brody's hand left mine, making me feel empty and cold. Chills ran down my spine as Brody's hand made contact with the small of my back. I repressed as gasp as he brought me to a booth. We sat across from each other and waited for our waitress.

For lunch, we decided to order another traditional Ecuadorian food and we loved it!

After lunch, we had to go back to the hotel so I could study and so we could prepare for a class tour that was scheduled. Andy was sitting on her bed, legs crossed, when I opened the door. Her nose was in yet another Spanish textbook.

"Listen, that book does no justice if you don't actually use your skills outside of this room." I shrugged as I passed her. Her eyes followed me across the room.

"I know. That's why we have to go on the tour tonight." Andy argued. I sighed, unable to understand why Andy didn't just go to the beach.

Andy was beautiful. She had long, lean legs, probably from soccer and cross country. Her dark hair contrasted nicely with her fair skin. All the more reason to go outside and get some sun. "C'mon, Andy. How about we go surfing tomorrow?" I offered, thinking about the place Brody and I rented our surfboards.

Andy sighed and shut her book loudly. "We don't have boards."

"I can rent some."

"I don't have a bathing suit." She replied.

"You can borrow my other one."

"You're not my size."

I turned to face her, my arms crossed. "Now that's a lie. You can fit into my jeans and I know that because you've been wearing mine. And neither one of us are top-heavy. I think you'll fit into one of my swimsuits just fine."

Andy groaned loudly as she tilted her head back, hitting the headboard. "Oh my God, okay. Fine, you win."

A smile broke out onto my face at her reaction. I jumped on my bed and pulled my backpack onto my lap. I grabbed my Spanish textbook from my bag and opened it.


"This is one of our plazas. Here, people eat traditional cuisines, listen to local preformers, and even dance. Here in Ecuador, the most popular dance is the salsa." Mrs Russo informs us as we walk past a large building that appeared to resemble a palace almost. Andy and I walked together towards the front of the line since Andy claimed that if she didn't, she wouldn't understand anything Mrs Russo was saying, therefore she would flunk this entire trip completely.

Instead of arguing with her, I simply agreed and walked next to her. Brody was towards the middleo of the group, laughing and cutting up with a couple of guys.

It made me feel at ease that we didn't have to constantly be around each other to make each other happy. I wasn't really used to someone being there for me, and I was still trying to get a grip on it. But Brody made sure I knew he was there for me at all times. I felt safe around him. Yet he knew when to give me space and to just be myself for a minute. It was almost like he could sense when I wanted to be with him and when I wanted to be off by myself for a bit.

Andy nudged my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Do you want to go eat?" She questioned, an eyebrow raised.

I nodded my head in response.

"Lead the way,"


Yooo here's another chapter! The attached picture was also edited by trinny_ash :)) don't forget to VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE!

Lots of love


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