25:"You're beautiful when you blush too."

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"Okay class," Mrs Russo passed out forms as she walked down each aisle of desks. "I have an announcement."

Chatter from the back of the class ceased as Mrs Russo cleared her throat. "Since all of my classes are excelling tremendously... I had a talk with Mr Matherly, who had a talk with The Board..."

She trailed off, making me anxious. I shot Brody a confused look, then returned my attention to Mrs Russo.

"Mr Matherly said the class with the highest averages will get something special, and that is this class... You all are going to Quito, Ecuador!" The class burst out in praise, yelling and squealing.

I turned to Brody, who sat behind me, a grin on my face. "What a surprise!" I exclaimed, giggling.

"Wait! We are not just taking a trip to Ecuador just because. The school has stretched their fund for us to be able to go on one condition - there will be a project. Have you ever heard of the TV series show 'Survivor'? In the show, people are brought to an island and they face many many challenges in order to survive. Well, in Ecuador you will be forced to adapt to the economy. That means you will eat the same cultural food, communicate strictly in Spanish, and make friends outside of your class. This is for a grade! The trip will count for your first semester exam, and a major test for your second semester. The papers I passed out are parent consent forms for your trip. If you can't make that happen, please contact me and I will arrange something for you. Okay, class dismissed." The bell rang as soon as she finished speaking. I looked down at the paper in front of me.

As if Brody read my mind, he came up beside me with a solution. "I'm sure Mrs Russo could make a private phone call and get the approval."

I physically relaxed as a sigh of relief left my lips. "Right, yeah," I replied quietly as I packed my bag. The two of us sauntered up to Mrs Russo's desk.

"Hi, you two!" She exclaimed as she sat down.

"Hi... Mrs Russo, could we talk to you for a moment?"

Her eyebrows drew together with worry. "Of course, Gracelynn,"

I took a deep breath, waiting for my heart to stop beating so fast. "I don't live with my parents. My dad lives in California, and we aren't really on the best of terms right now-"

"Do you think it's possible for you to call him and ask permission for Gracelynn to go on the trip?" Brody intervened, pulling the words right out of my mouth.

I mentally thanked him for the great save.

Mrs Russo looked up at the two of us for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Of course I will. Thank you for informing me, Gracelynn. I will make the call and let you know tomorrow! Oh, and we leave next Monday, by the way. We will be gone for a week, coming back into town the Saturday before Thanksgiving."

I nodded, taking in the information I was just given. I thanked Mrs Russo once more and left with Brody.


"So are you excited for the trip?" Brody asked, tossing popcorn into his mouth.

Little did he know that the popcorn he was eating was from last night's spill.

Payback, Parker.

"What if my Dad says no?" I worried, turning away from Brody. He was seated at the island while I searched the fridge for food. I desperately needed to go shopping, but I didn't feel like it.

"Your Dad doesn't have a choice. He doesn't raise you, Gracie. Now, let's just skip the part about him and talk about Ecuador. I Googled it, and it is beautiful. I'm talking amazing buildings and art. I'm so excited." Brody bounced in his seat.

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