9:"Back already?"(4.06.20)

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Tuesdays are the days I dread most. Mondays suck, but Tuesdays are worse. Somehow I woke up this morning with a pep in my step - like nothing could make today a bad day. After changing into a pair of high waisted, black skinny jeans, a grey long sleeved shirt, and my grey Vans, I make the drive to school.

September by Earth, Wind & Fire blasted through the speakers as I pulled into the parking lot, a smile on my face as I screamed along

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September by Earth, Wind & Fire blasted through the speakers as I pulled into the parking lot, a smile on my face as I screamed along. Willa and Alex lift their arms high in the air and dance to the music. Anden sits on the back of Alex's Corvette, watching quietly as Alex takes Willa's hand and dips her low before bringing her back up, his right hand resting on her lower back.
I decide to roll down my windows and let the two finish their dance as I park and grab my bag. Anden walks over to my car and sits on the hood, a smile on her face. I let the next song play.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee.
Willa and Alex burst into song and act it out. Anden and I laugh.
"They'd make a cute couple," a voice from my passenger side seat says. I jump and look over.
"Remi! You freaking scared me!" I exclaim as I try to calm my breathing. Anden and now Cora, are sitting on my hood, laughing.
"Don't you think they're a cute couple?" He repeated. Our eyes travel towards Willa and Alex, who are singing and dancing around Alex's Corvette. Those two wore the biggest smiles. Willa was dancing like no one was watching, even though everyone in the parking lot was watching along.
Alex was staring at her like she was the only one he saw. Like she was his world. My heart clenched.
"Wish I had somebody like that," Cora says, staring at Remi adoringly. Anden and I share a knowing glance.
The song fades away and the entire lot is quiet. Willa and Alex are panting and smiling at each other. Willa turns her head in our direction and begins running towards us. "I love that song!" She giggled, grabbing her bag from the ground and lugging it over her shoulder. Remi and I pile out of my car. Cora and Anden slide off my car and fall into step with us. Alex and Willa catch up to us quickly, and we walk into school together.


"Ms Vaughn, will you please come up to my desk?" My Spanish teacher asks politely. I glance back at Brody with a small accusing glare.
"Don't look at me," Brody raises his hands innocently, a microscopic smirk on his face. I get up from my seat a nervously reach for the hem of my sweatshirt as I make it over to the teacher's desk.
I don't know what I could be in trouble for. Brody had actually been tolerable today, so I hadn't talked much. Mrs Russo clears her throat politely. "Gracelynn, are you aware of your grades in this class?" She asked quietly, sliding a piece of paper across her desk.
I look down at it. My heart plummets.
A 58. I'm failing Spanish.
"I-I'm so sorry, Mrs Russo. I promise I'm trying." I stutter, trying to catch my breath. My grades have always been important to me. I've never made a B on a report card, and here I am with an F.
Mrs Russo offers me a small smile and nods. "I am aware of your successful history in school, Gracelynn. I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't fail my class because I see how much this means to you."
I shift nervously. I'm still in shock. I take a deep breath in hopes to calm my nerves. "What can I do to get my grade up?" I ask anxiously.
I really wanted to fix this.
"Mr Parker, please join us at my front desk," Mrs Russo says, looking around me. I turn around and watch Brody get up calmly from his seat and stride over next to me. His arm brushes against mine, sending chills down my spine.
You're just cold, I try to tell myself.
"Gracelynn, Brody is an excellent student-"
"Excellent."Brody emphasizes.
"And I believe he can help you bring your grade up." Mrs Russo says, looking at me happily.
My jaw drops.
"Brody?" I mused. "No way."
"What, Noodle? Do you have no faith in me?" Brody asks, falsely offended, as he turns to me and places a hand over his heart. "Ouch. You cut me deeply."
I roll my eyes and turn to him. "No way you're an awesome student,"
You, Brody Parker, can't be this attractive, athletic, and smart all together. It's not fair.
"Oh, it's not fair is it?" Brody laughed, staring at me with glittery eyes.
My eyes widen as I feel my cheeks redden in embarrassment. A hand comes to my mouth while I whip back around to Mrs Russo, who's smiling widely.
"He's my best student, despite his dumb attempts to get into detention." She gives Brody a pointed look, who is still chuckling.
I want to fiercely tell him to stop, but I know that my courage is completely deflated. I can't believe I said that out loud.
Stupid stupid, Grace.
I remove my hand from my mouth and lick my lips. "Thank you, Mrs Russo." I say curtly.
The bell rings, dismissing us. I jog back to my desk and bend over to grab my bag. Suddenly, a hand comes down on my rear. I immediately stand up straight, appalled.
Why?! Who would do such a thing?
I look around but all I can see is a black wall of Brody's muscular back. "Watch it," he murmured lowly.
Snickers are heard and I try to look around Brody, but I fail. Anger boils beneath my skin for two reasons. One: I was sexually harassed just know by someone I don't know. Two: Brody is in the way and I can't see.
My throat closes up when I get a glance of who it is.
"Come on, man!" Lance laughs, but it is soon choked - literally. Brody launches himself at Lance and pins him down on the desk. A gasp leaves my mouth. I look around for help, then look back at the two boys. Brody was beating Lance senseless!
Running, I reach the door of the classroom and call for a teacher. People gather around the door after a middle-aged male teacher rushes to the scene. He tries to pull Brody off, but he doesn't budge. Brody looked furious, his dark hair fanning over his eyes as he throws another punch to Lance's now bloodied face. Beneath Brody, Lance was groaning in pain, poorly attempting to cover his face.
I find myself unconsciously running to Brody. "Brody! Come on, that's enough!" I yell, peeling him off of Lance. Somehow I managed to get him off for a split second, but Brody seems to take no acknowledgement of me because he tries to dive right back into Lance.
I take a step in between the boys and place my small hands on Brody's chest, pushing him away. I could feel the strong beat of his heartbeat. Our eyes meet. Brody's features became more rigid as he looks down at me. Behind me, I can hear Lance being helped away by another student. "Why, Gracelynn?! I had him!"
"I thought you were going to kill him if I didn't step in!" I yelled back, my hands leaving his large, toned chest and flying into the air.
Brody's breathing is heavy. "He harrassed you! I wasn't just going to let that slide!" He breathed, taking a step closer to me.
"I could've handled it myself!" I shout while crossing my arms defensively.
"And do what? Sit there and take it like you always do?! I can't just let you get hurt," He begins off with yelling, but his voice quietens at the last sentence, almost like it physically pained him to voice it aloud.
My heart quickens its pace and for a moment it feels like it will jump out of my chest. I take a deep breath and release it. When I look up, Brody is inches away from me, our breathing unsteady.
"Both of you need to go to the office. Now." The older teacher says loudly. I jump away from Brody as he clears his throat. Around us were a crowd of people. I feel myself tense at the realization. Gulping, I grab my bag and walk with Brody silently to the Principal's office.
"Back already?" The principal asks, motioning towards Brody, who casually sits in one of the seats provided in front of a large desk.
"Yes, sir!" Brody replies cheerily. He looks over at me expectantly and lowers his gaze to the chair next to him, motioning for me to sit. I slowly make my way over and sit down at the edge of the seat. My left leg bounces in nervousness.
"So, what brings you two here?" Principal Matherly questions, lacing his fingers together as he stares at us.
I swallow loudly. "Gracelynn was sexually harrassed by Lance during 8th period, so I called him out on it and punched him in the face." Brody stated.
Principal Matherly looks over at me questioningly. "Is this true?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.
I can't speak. My throat closed up and my mouth was dry. I nod, finding our stare-off too uncomfortable to continue. I drop my gaze to the floor, my leg bouncing away.
A hand reaches over and lands on my knee. I freeze. Brody's thumb gently rubs back and forth against my knee, surprisingly comfortingly, but when I look over at him, he isn't paying any attention to me. His eyes are fixed on Principal Matherly, who seemed to be coming to a conclusion.
"I will suspend Lance for a week from the premisis, due to the school rules. As for you, Mr Parker, do you realize that you should have the same punishment? You initiated a fight and abused a fellow student on campus." He bellowed.
I stiffened. I didn't want Brody to get into trouble. 
"Principal Matherly, I understand protocol, but please don't give Brody a punishment. He only was sticking up for me because he knows I can't stand up for myself. He was defending me, isn't that protecting me from further harrassment and conflict with Lance?" I argue, still very aware of Brody's hand now tightening on my knee.
Principal Matherly smiles. "You just gave me a reason to keep this trouble maker out of trouble. Thank you."
My eyebrows knit together in confusion. "U-Uh, you're welcome?"
Principal Matherly laughs loudly. "I don't like Lance, but I do love our QB1, so I always try to find a loophole to keep him out of trouble. I was stumped this time - I thought I'd have to suspend him. Call it favoritism or whatever you want, but I really like Brody. Thanks for your help, and Lance will definitely be taken care of. You two are dismissed." He waves a hand towards the door.
Brody removes his hand from my knee while he shoots up from his seat and shakes Principal Matherly's hand. They share whispers, causing Matherly to smile at whatever Brody said. I awkwardly get up and wait at the door for Brody, who quickly comes.
"So you're the favorite?" I tease, nudging his side with my elbow.
"So you can speak up?" Brody retorted.
"Hey! I spoke up for Willa and Alex and myself the second day I was here! I'd like to see you do that!" I challenge, even though I know my argument was weak.
We walk towards my car as Brody replies with, "I'd like to see you at my game this Friday." My head snaps up towards him, and in the process I manage to trip over gravel in the lot. Strong arms catch me and prevent me from falling. My breath hitches when I look up to see Brody smiling softly, melting away my hard cover I put up. I close my eyes to avoid his stoney ones.
"Now you owe me, Noodle," Brody chuckles, lifting me up and balancing me on my feet. My eyes are closed. I force myself to open them as I scream internally for my heart to slow down before it shatters into flaming pieces.
"You got yourself a date." I reply before running to the driver's side of my car.
"Don't trip on the way!" Brody calls behind me. I look back to find him smirking in my direction.
In my car, I take deep breaths before I believe my heart had slowed enough for me to drive.
At home, I immediately change into pajamas and order pizza.
Brody-boy: It was nice catching you;)
I roll my eyes. "Really? Could you be more weird?" I mutter, sitting up in my bed as I type a response.
Me: Haha, yeah. Don't get your hopes up thinking about a next time, because there won't be one.
Brody-boy: Yet you're already falling.
I stop eating mid-pizza and find myself speechless.
Me: What's that supposed to mean? I sense a double-meaning that is definitely incorrect.
Brody-boy: Goodnight, Gracie:)
I shove my box of pizza off of my bed and fall back out of exhaustion and my eyelids shut for good before my head even hits the pillow.



Yoooo so HERES ANOTHER UPDATE!! 4K?!?!?! How?!

You guys are the best, I swear. I love you all and special thanks to MissAnnabellaKay once again❤️

Thank you all for reading this far and I hope that as I update, you'll stay interested in my book!

You guys rock!

Unsinkablexships ❤️

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