16:"Could you stop with the PDA?"

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Brody-boy: Pick you up in ten


It's nine in the morning, and I get this random text right as I roll out of bed?! No way.

I press the call button on Brody's name. It rings twice before he answers. "No backsies!" He called through the phone.

"I just woke up!" I complain, shoving my blankets away, rushing to my dresser.

"And? It'll be fine." Brody retorted.

I groan and hang up on him. He was no help.

I didn't even know where I was going!

Brody could be planning to kidnap me and lock me in his basement. No way was I letting him kidnap me - I was putting up a fight.

I dress into a pair of Levi's, a rustic colored t-shirt, and my white slip-on Vans, as quick as I possibly can. I manage to throw my hair into a ponytail just in time to see Brody's car pulling into my driveway. The late October winds send chills down my spine when I step outside, so I run back inside to grab my black jacket.

"You cold?" Brody asked once I sat down in his car. He doesn't wait for a response, he just leans in between us and adjusts the air temperature.

I stay silent. A part of me was curious as to why he picked me up at nine in the morning to go somewhere with him.

"This would make for an odd kidnapping." I mutter as I buckle up.

Brody chuckles as he turns up the volume on the radio. Wonderwall by Oasis floods my ears. I feel myself perk up.

I loved older songs! Of course, I like newer songs as well, but I've always been told by Collette's parents that I have an old soul.

"Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back at you," I sang along, throwing my hands in the air. I catch Brody glancing over at me in the corner of my eye. He had a thoughtful expression on his face, his eyes on the road.

I continue to belt out to the song. When it ends, another song I'm familiar with comes on. I sit in my seat, tapping on my thigh to the rhythm of the song.

I felt completely at ease. I forgot how much I loved riding in the car while someone else drove. I suddenly experience a mood swing.
A change of mind.

This was a good thing.

"Don't tell me where we're going!" I squeak, covering my eyes with my hands.

I can hear Brody chuckle deeply over the radio. "Alright, then. Sit tight, we're almost there."

Five minutes later, I feel the car stop. Brody's car door opens. "Stay here. Keep your eyes closed." He ordered.

A smile squeezes past my lips in response. Seconds pass before I hear my door open and Brody lean over me to unbuckle my seatbelt.

Brody asked for my hand. I kept my eyes clenched shut as I gave him both of them instead of one, and I wait for him to lead me away.

"Walk, walk... Okay, now take a step. Another. Alright, turn left. Wait." A door opens in front of me. Brody had let go of my hands, placing one of his on my back in attempt to usher me forward.

I take four steps forward and am greeted by quiet chatter and chilly air conditioning. I shiver. "Alright, now you can open them."

And I do.

We were in a small breakfast diner, filled with people of all ages. I look over at Brody, who stood next to me, a grin on my face.

"I love small diners!" I exclaim as Brody leads me to a booth. We sit on either side and wait for our waitress, who looked to be around our age.

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