8: "My boyfriend?!"(4.06.20)

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At school the next Monday, I moped up the stairs to school. Today I was planning on avoiding Brody.
I don't know why, but since Saturday after the incident with his mom - Valerie - I have been upset. Something in my stomach flipped that morning and I've felt sick since.
Yesterday I called Collette and filled her in about my week. She was actually really excited when I told her that Brody was QB1 (she has a thing for football players). She was also excited when I showed her a picture of me in my outfit from Friday that Cora made me take in the mirror, saying that I looked amazing and she wished she forced me to go to games when I lived in California.
Nick stole the phone from her after hours of talking, saying how much he missed me and wished he could be here in Texas with me to get away from Collette. Nick and Collette, I swear, pretend to hate each other up until one of them needs the other. And when that happens, you can't keep them apart.
Last year Nick had really bad appendicitis and was rushed to the emergency room. I remember that because Collette and I were working on a project over at my place when her mom called. While she was on the phone, Collette's expression changed from happy to stressed. She had rushed out of the door, dragging me behind her. And when Nick saw her after his surgery, his face lit up the entire room. Collette pushed her parents out of the way and practically jumped onto the bed next to Nick and crushed him into a hug.
Now, here I was, walking through the doors alone.
"Gracelynn," a voice called. I look up to find the exact person I was planning on avoiding.
I glance sideways and take a right, turning onto a hallway I am completely unfamiliar with.
Go away go away go away go away.
Brushing past a group of shorter people, I duck down to fill in an empty spot in the hallway, hoping he won't see me.
"Gracelynn!" Brody calls from behind me. I don't look back. A freshman gives me an odd look as if thinking 'What is she doing hiding from Brody Parker?'
Let's just say things were said that upset me even though it's not my place to be upset.
A hand catches my arm gently. I turn around, eyes wide, to see Brody panting. He was wearing a look of annoyance. People around us were beginning to stare. I look down at my arm, my stomach twisting in knots.
"Why are you running?" Brody asks, his hand still wrapped around my forearm.
I swallow.
"I need to get to class," I lie, turning away with my head down.
"Well, you left this," Something is placed in my hand.
My phone.
I look back up at Brody, a small smile of gratitude on my lips. But Brody wasn't happy - in fact, he looked irritated.
"Thank you." I say quietly as Brody let go of my arm.
Brody says nothing in response.
He turns around and walks away.


"Woah, someone isn't happy," Alex says as I take my seat next to him. Anden looks over in my direction, eyebrows raised in question, but sure doesn't speak.
I look away.
"No, someone isn't," I reply, taking my notes out from last week.
Class ends quickly, thankfully, and Anden makes no effort to talk to me.
Lunch rolls around eventually. Everyone else was seated at the table when I sat myself down next to Anden and Willa, who offers me a smile. Looking around the table, everyone was passing each other silent greetings. Brody was smirking as usual, staring at a couple of cheerleaders.
"Look at that," He whistles, nudging Alex on the shoulder, who rolls his eyes in response.
"Come on, man. Girls aren't objects. They're people." Alex says, shaking his head. I don't miss the not-so-subtle glance he sends towards an unsuspecting Willa.
"Okay okay, but on a scale of one to ten, how hot would you rate them?" Brody's eyes light up as a girl applies all of her weight on one leg and pops her hip out while talking to someone excitedly. My hands curl into balls of anger.
Come on, Grace, don't be like that.
My stomach drops and I suddenly don't have the appetite to eat lunch, so I push my tray away. Brody finally looks over at me. His eyes darken to their normal color before he smirks. "Someone jealous?"
My jaw drops.
Who is he to accuse me of such a thing?
Brody laughs. "You know, my offer still stands." He winks flirtatiously.
"Yeah, to me and every other girl on the freaking planet," I mutter, fidgeting with the hem of my grey shirt.
"Hold on now, Noodle. Let's not say anything we'll regret." Brody replies challengingly.
I scoff in response. "You're not getting another word out of me."
The table's quiet chatter with each other dies down as they sense the tense air among us. I clear my throat awkwardly.
"I think I'm going to use the restroom," I say quietly, pushing my seat back.
As I walk away, Brody cat-calls. My face heats up in... embarrassment? Frustration? I didn't know what it was.
"Don't fall in!" Cora yells from behind me.

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