Luke imagine ~ sad part 4

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Thanks for the votes guys! And guess what? I got My first comment today!! :D

I'm actually really happy about that! Soooo heres part 4 :)



You wanted to die.

You didn't know what to do, you just froze. You watched as Luke putted his hand back down.

You still couldn't belive what he just had done.




Your Luke,


He wasn't yours anymore.

The room Was silent, Ashton didn't spoke. Neither did you or Luke.

Untill all of a sudden, Lukes body just fails him, and he falls to the ground.

Ashtons reaction was fast a lightning, you can't even remember him running out of the room to get Lukes medication.

So now he is bending over Luke, taking hold onto his arm, and verry easy bringing the small needel to it. Slowly he injected the fluid into Lukes arm.

After that Ashton is quick on his feets again, and carrying a pale Luke to the livingroom to lay him down on the couch.

You knew how It's going to be when he wakes up..

He wont remember,


You were so done, you couldn't take it anymore.

Everything around you blurred. You could slightly see a figure comming towards you, and you figured out it Was Ashton. You felt to arms wrap around you, and that Was all you needed.

You broke down, crying into his chest as he slightly stroke your hair.

"Shh, It's going to be okay" you heard Ashtons soothing voice. His words normaly always helped, but this time it didn't. You felt so empty inside, that you didn't know what to do with yourself.

You were shaking terribly, and had trouble breathing.

You felt as Ashtons arms let go of you, and you felt the cold air hit your red and puffy face.

"I'll be in the livingroom if you need me" Ashton Said giving you a small smile. You were suprisef that he didn't asked you about the selfharm, but he propbably understood that you couldn't handle talking about that now.

You gave him a small smile back, showing him that you were okay.

But you were not okay,

You were far from okay,

And you were probably never be okay ever again.

You were done, done with every single thing in your life.

This is enough, and you knew what you had to do..


Cliffhanger huh?




Comment :)

Part 5? Xx

Luke imagine ~ sadWhere stories live. Discover now