Luke imagine ~ sad part 9

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Heyyyy guys! I'M BACK!! :D

I'm soooooo sorry that it took so long D: well anyway I'm back now!


And I'm thinking of start writing on a book! Like a real book! Would you guys read it? It's a Narry story, heres the description

"Niall finds the water calming, when he had a rough day at school, he goes to the old lake house he and his ex best friend Harry now his bully used to hang out in when they were younger. When he lays on the waters surface he remembers all the things that used to make him happy, little did the boy know that each time he went to the calming water he Was slowly drowning in his own darkness. So when reality hits him, Niall realizes that he is on too deep water, and no one is there to pull him up."

If you like it please comment and say what u think! If all of u likes it I'm probably going write a story! Thanks, heres part 9 everyone!!! :)

*lukes pov*

I stepped in to the room, it Was dark. It semlled that strange, clean hospital smell. The room Was quit small, in the middle of the room there Was a white bed, and on the bed there Was figure, a lifeless figure. I felt the tears welling up and ready to fall. That lifeless figure Was Y/N, My girl.. My princess.

I started crying as I approached the bed, Scared of what i Was going to see.

As i came closer i could see her beautiful darkbrown hair, perfectly laid on each sides of her neck.

Now i stood right next to the bed, grabbing the methal side firmly. I Was shaking, tears streaming down My face, i don't think i have felt this much pain in My whole life.

She Was beautiful, she always was. Her face Was pale, her eyes were closed. There Was just no life, i remembered her beautiful smile when she woke up next to me and then i thought, how the hell am i going to live here without her?

I can't

I wont

I felt My heartbeat getting faster,


No no, not now please!

I fell down on My knees, face in My hands trying to calm down,

No luck

I looked up and the room Was spinning.

I Was having a blackout..

"HELP!" I screamed

"Help please!!" I tried

My voice failed me, i felt myself gasping for air and My vision Was blurring.

This is it

I'm dying

I can't make it without My medication

I wouldn't been able to live either way without Y/N

I managed to get up on My knees and grab Y/N 's hand.

I Was shaking terribly, tears all over My face, i felt My eyes getting heavier.

"I'm comming princess" i whispered smiling.

And i felt myself drift away when someone came barging into the door

"LUKE!!" I herad someone scream.

"Ash?" I whispered confused.

Then everything went black.

*ashtons pov*

I sat in the lobby waiting for Luke to come back, and to be honest, i Was really worried. All of a sudden i heard i faint scream.


I knew that voice, i could tell who it Was Miles away,

It Was Luke

I jumped out of My chair, and raced over to were i had heard the call for help.

I stoped as i heard a quiet scream, bearly a a meter from were i stood, i could hear the panic in his voice. And i knew if he Was having a blackout right now, he needs help!

I took hold of the door handle, but it didn't open?!

I paniced as i stood infront of the door, it Was locked?! Why the fuck would he lock the door?! I had a Flashback back to what happend earlier today, when i found Y/N lifeless body behind a locked door.


I throwed myself at the door and to My suprise the lock fell apart.

I raced in to the room just in time to find Luke sitting on his knees holding Y/N' s hand, shaking terribly.

"LUKE!!" I screamed running over

"Ash?" He Said just above a whisper.

Then his eyes closed,


I can't loose him!


"HELP PLEASE!!" I screamed in panic

"HELP" i shouted then nurses came rushing in, taking Luke away

This happends way too much

"Please be okay" i prayed

Soooo guys! That Was part 9 hope you liked it! Sorry it was so short :(

Don't forget to



And follow! ^^ thanks! :D

Luke imagine ~ sadWhere stories live. Discover now