Luke imagine ~ sad part 6

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Part 6 y'all :D


*Ashtons Pov*

I looked over to Luke, i can't belive what he did to Y/N. He actually slapped her?! She Was reason he kept going and fought, he did everything for her and she did everything for him, and he just threw it away. Just like that, when she Was the most fragile.

I had absolutly no idea that Y/N Was selfharming, she Was always so happy. But i guess the people that seems to be the most happy, tends to be the most broken.

I'm actually kind of worried for her, i wonder Where she went, It's been 10 minutes since i left her in the hall. Maybe i shouldn't have done that?

I need to go check on her

I went out to the hall Where i saw her the last time, but she wasn't there.

Ofcourse she wasn't here,

Who would she stay here for like 10 other minutes?

I called her name

No answer


No answer

Strange.. Maybe she Was asleep upstairs? So i went up the stairs.

Upstairs it Was cold and dark, not a single light.

"Y/N" i called

No answer

Now i started to get worried, what if something happend? I went in to the bed room and she wasn't there either.


No panic

She must be here somewere, right?


Okay Ashton breathe, you need to calm yourself down.

I went down further down to the toilets, and you could see lights trough the doorcrack.

I called her name, but got no answer in return. I started to get worried again, i took hold of the doorhandle but it Was locked.

"Y/N" i screamed,

"Open this door now or i have to kick it in"

No answer in return, so i went for it. I backed a few steps before throwing myself at the wooden door. I heard a crack before i threw myself at the door once again.


The door Finally broke and i could get in the bathroom. But when i stepped in I saw something horrible, something i never thought in a million years i would witness.

I screamed

Y/N lifeless body was on the floor, blood everywere, a half smile on her lips, stained tears on her beautiful now pale face and a hand wrapped around the Diamond necklace that Luke gave her on her birthday.



I kneeled in front of her lifeless body and Held her hand, it Was so cold. She looked so peacefull yet so scared. My mind raced, what Was i suposed to do?!

I quickly pulled out My phone and called 911.

*few minutes later*

I had just hung up on the lady from the emergency central that had sent an ambulance when i heard footsteps comming up the stairs. My head turned to the broken door and there stood Luke.

"L-luke.." I stuttered

He didn't react, his eyes Was focused on Y/N lifeless body, i saw him tearing up.

"Luke" i sad now standing up drying My tears. His face Was pale as snow. I Walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug.

It Was then reality hitted him

He started shaking and screaming her name, trying to get out of My grip to run over to her. It Was like everything went in slowmotion, i heard sirens. And the next thing i knew Y/N Was carried away from the bathroom by nurses out to the ambulance.

Luke was still screaming and crying violently, he did everything to get out of My grip but he couldn't, i Was too strong and he knew it. So after a while he gave up. And just stood there crying into My chest, suddenly he whispered

"She is going to be okay? Right?"

Awww this is sad...

Well here it is guys, part 6! Hope u liked it!

Part 7?



Fan :)

Luke imagine ~ sadWhere stories live. Discover now