Luke imagine ~ sad part 16 (smut warning :s)

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Hi guys, i feel like every part that i'm writing is starting with "I''m sorry" or something like that. And i'm getting tired of that, i need to explain what is really going on so that you will understand if i'm late with one or two weeks.

Okey so heres the deal, as alot of you people know, I have alot of problems in my life and I can't handle my problems so well, so for some time i'm completley gone, trapped in my own little world. And that makes it really hard to stay up with this story. But don't worry i get alot of help, its just that theres soo much going on and when i'm in that state that iv'e been for actually 2 months now it's just really hard to write. And theres alot of feelings going on right now, i feels just so misreble as i can feel sooo yeah to make this short

My life sucks..

Anyway, i've kept you waiting for long enough


 *Lukes pov*

I'm still in shock, i just survived what felt like an heartattack.

Well actually a panic attack that should cause death without pills.. but it didn't!?


I need to tell Ashton..

Or if i think about it..


Or should i, really?

Noooyeeees i don't know really..

I just wonder what he will do..

Ohgod who am i kidding.. I need to tell him!

"Ashton!!!!" i shouted as i rushed down the stairs, i was so excited that i couldn't stop running, even tho i saw Ashton in the end of staris i didn't stop. I jammed right into him and tackled him to the ground, i was now sitting on top of him, and i have to admit.. if someone would have walked in right now they would have thought something i don't really want to mention.. 

I mean i was still catching my breath straddling a really confused and big-eyed Ashton. That couldn't look much more wrong. But i didn't have time to think so much more before my mouth started to move in an incredeble pase.. i was talking really fast in excitment. 

I was talking and talking about Y/N bringing me back, and that i survived with out taking pills and soooo much more. 

Ashton looked at me like i was some crazy person..

He just looked at me while i was talking but didn't say a word, so i slowed down my talking a bit and started to focus on him. I haven't noticed it before but now i realize how small i am compared to Ash..

Like really..

My body is like an baby compared to him with his felxing muscels and toned abs and..


wHY DEfuq did u just thik that about my best mate?!

Oh no.. ohhhh noo! calm down... it's only been like 1 month since the last time you did something that would include two naked persons tumbling around in a bed.. and your NOT that desperate you would fucking do it with Ashton!?

No no no no.. 

I stopped talking.. it was now just a battle between me and my thoughts. But then i felt something.. something i shouldn't be feeling in this kind of sintuation and it wasn't from me.. it was from ASHTON!? 


It took me a while to realize Ashtons little problem or should i say big problem?

Holy motherfucking shit.. 

If i'm going to be honest i feel something too but i don't want that right!?

Whyyyyy is this happening!? should i maybe get of him now? 

I know Ashton haven't had girl company in a while but really???

Am I really that desperate? well yeah if you look at my problem yes.. i fucking am..

Maybe it will make me forget about her? atleast for a quick moment? 

Well yeah..

Oh god..

I had to bit my lip as i felt ash slightly start grinding..

Man this is happenig...

No turning back now..

I started to breath faster and heavy, as much as i tried not to..

I just need this release, just for tonight to get my mind on something else than her. I have a feeling i will regret this...

But oh well what am i going to do?

I am on top of a fucking horny Ashton Irwin.. who is probably thinking about how his huge.. yeah is going to fit in me.. that dosen't make me wierd.. I mean for fuck sake.. 

Soooo many girls would litteraly die for this so..

oh then when i think again..  i'm not a girl..


Before i could react ashtons hands was trailing down to my personal area.

I felt him slowly stroking, his hands were ghosting on my arms and it made me shiver. 

He lifted me of him and stood up, leaving me still on the floor. He bent down picking me up like i was nothing and made me stand on my feet. He pushed me up against the wall and looked into my eyes.

He took his hand and placed it on my chest, slowly starting to make it's way down to the hem of my shirt.

He grabbed the end of my grey v-neck and pulled it of leaving me shirtless. He looked me up and down. Then took a step forward leaving no gap between us. 

He suddenly spoke with a raspy voice.

"Only for tonight...

He started as he placed his lips on my neck and started to suck slightly making me moan.

"I will make you forget everything... 

He started to talk between kisses, he went further up under my ear and started to suck at my sweet spot earning a gasp from me.

"I will make you forget about her..

He whispered huskily in my ear, then facing me.

"And i will make you scream" 

ooooooh i really enjoyed writing this chapter ;)

this is a really big turn in this story..

but i felt we kinda' needed som lashton smut ;)

IF you really enjoyed this and want me to continue with some more lashton you should really comment what you think cuz that would make it sooo much more easier for me, and you could maybe also vote <3 thannks!!



Luke imagine ~ sadWhere stories live. Discover now