Luke Imagine ~ sad part 11

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Helooo lovelies! thanks soooo much for 1.1K its just amazing, never thought that anyone would actually like what i was writing. You guys just makes me so happy, thank you <3

heres part 11 :D last part was kind of a cliffhanger ;) lets see how it all works out this time!


*Lukes pov*


i was having a heartattack.

"Luke, i need you to calm down okay?" Ashton said with pleading eyes.

"I-i can't.." i said shutting my eyes tight.

"Luke please" Ashton said grabbing my shaking hand.

"Its n-not that i don't want to, i c-can't"

I heard the heart monitor beeps getting faster and faster.


i didn't respond

"Luke!? please answer me!" Ashton said, panic in his voice.

i slightly opend my eyes, looking at him. His eyes had this dull color, they were bloodshot and if I could see Ashtons heart trough his eyes, Oh man... he was, broken.

I felt a electric pulse of pain spreading throug my body, i arched my back. The pain was so intense, i felt my chest growing tighter, soon i couldn't breathe.

"A-ashton, c-call the n-nurse" i stuttered gasping for air.

Ashtons face turned pale

"OHMYGOD!" he gasped

"NURSE!!, NURSE" he shouted.

Soon there was about ten nurses standing around me, one was cheking my pulse, another one helped me breathe but the most of them were just so nervous they just paniced around in the room screaming.

"He is having a panic attack!!"

"Call the doctor!"

"Someone please check his eyes!"

"Is he breathing!?"

And all i could think about was Ashton, i slightly opend my eyes looking for him. My eyes landed on a body curled up in a chair, sobbing.


i felt so bad, so freaking bad. Everything iv'e putted him through is just horrible. I wanted to hug him, comfort him, being there for him when he needed a shoulder to lean on because thats whats friends do.

And i couldn't do that, he was always the one that was there for me. So far he has been taking care of two blackouts, Y/N's death and now this. Maybe he is better of without me, i mean he can't look out on me forever.

Right now he has to live with me for god's sake!

Someone always has to be with me 24/7. Because if I have a blackout that is un-noticed by anyone, i will probably die.

Heres the deal, my blackouts results from stress, too much to think of, dramatic situations and so on. So when i have a blackout my brain shuts of so that i have no idea what i'm doing or what i did after the whole thing was over, and if i don't get the right medications in the right time my heart will eventually stop beating.

Makes any sense?


My disiase is a medical mystery, from what the doctor said no one else has this kind of problem. They were kind of amazed that i had made it to the age 17 without noticing, now i'm 18! So i found out about it one year ago.

And somewere in the back of my mind i know that, this disease is slowly killing me from the inside. I just know it, and when i look at Ashton i see that it's slowly killing him as well.

Lost in my own thoughts i didn't even realize that all the nurses were gone and i was laying down with even more tubes attached to my body than i thought was possible, the heart mointors beebs was all the sounds that was visible to hear in the room.

"I'm sorry" i whispered, voice cracking.

"What?" Ashton said confused, slowly looking up from his position on the chair. His eyes were red and his face were puffier than ever, i could see that he has been crying miles away.

"I'm sorry that i had to put you through all this" i said tears starting to fall down my face.

"What do you mean your sorry?" Ashton said with a suprised look on his face. Slowly leaving the chair he had been sitting in and made his way over to me. I felt the bed dip next to me, and Ashtons hand on mine stroking it with his thumb.

"that i putted you through all my blackouts, all the shit about taking care of me, and all this!! everything is my fault, Y/N is dead Ashton, and it's my fault" i said sobbing into my hands.

"Hey hey hey" Ashton said, sniffling a little, taking my hands away from my face.

"This is NOT your fault Luke, you didn't choose this fate! and all this? It was just a minor panic attack" he said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Minor panic attack?! then why did it felt like my heart was about to explode!?" i said a bit to harsh.

"I-i don't know" he said taking his hand away looking down at the floor.

"Sorry'' i mumbeled

''but i can see how all this tear you apart, and i hate the fact that i'm the one causing it and i don't want to cause all this pain to you anymore" i kept going, more tears running down my cheeks.

''i don't want do cause all this pain to you anymore'' i whispered again, tears all over face.

"Luke.." Ashton began

"It causing me pain to see you like this, your not the one that is causing me pain, it is your disease, but i know that you are strong, and you can do this'' Ashton Said kindly.

''But I don't think i can'' i whispered.

Soooo that Was part 11, hope you liked it! :)

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Thanks xx

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