Luke imagine ~ sad part 13

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Heloooo everyone, i've been receiving alot of messages, some good and some bad..

I'm sorry that i haven't been updating, and i can understand why you guys are upset but you need to remember that i have a life outside wattpad! 

but okay, I can agree that 2 weeks or even more is crossing the line, so i made a decision that every second week i will update, or even sooner!

but somewere between 2 or 1 week before another chapter, so don't worry!

So heres part 13, :D


*Lukes pov*


I can't belivie were actually are going home,

after everything that have happend, i'm leaving everything behind. 

Y/N is gone... 

I still can't get that trough my head.

Ashton  is sitting next to me in the car, sending me glances now and then.


How am I supposed to do this?

How am I supposed to live a normal life?

those questions always pop up...

Maybe I should just go as well, go away to my princess, leave this world behind.

I could actually do that, never look back.

We drive up on a parkinglot, a parkinglot that belongs to the drugstore...

I give Ashton a strange look.

"I'm just going in to buy some stuff" Ashton answers my stares.

he gives me a weak smile and jumps out of the car.

Just some stuff?

Why can't he just tell me that he is getting my new and soooo much stronger medications?

I know whats going to happend, he will come out with a bag, filled with little jars, wich in turn is filled with pills, alot of pills...

Pills for my disease, pills for depression, new stronger pills for my disease that will keep me out for atleast 3 days straight... i'm not joking.

I've seen what those drugs do to people, yeah i call it drugs, because technically they are drugs.

I swear to god, these pills will send me straigh to rehab... 

But the best thing is, if you take to many of the new pills, i'm supposed to take 2 pills per day.

But if i take, let's say, 4? I will never wake up again,

You see, the new pills is supposed to make you calm, rather sleepy. So if I double my dose it will put me to sleep for good.  

strange huh? 

they send out pills that could actually kill you, to a depressed guy..

and they are for depression for fuck sake!?

I actually find that quit funny...

But they wont let me go that easy, Ashton is supposed to be with me now, all the time.

and he won't let me out of sight for 2 seconds...

it wouldn't suprise me if he followed me to go to the bathroom. 

Luke imagine ~ sadWhere stories live. Discover now