#5 Ivar finds out you're sick.

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Ivar is away for a raid, he's coming back in a couple of days, but unfortunatly a disease has struck half of kattegat. You're a farmer and you're working on the fields. You've been feeling dizzy and coughing all day. You collect the food, put it in a basket and are on your way to bring it to Aslaug. "Hey Y/n". She says. You smile and give the food to Aslaug. "You look a little exhausted Y/N, are you okay?". I nod "yeah i'm okay, just a little bit tired from work". Aslaug nods. You walk away, but then the dizzyness starts to take over and you fall to the ground and everything went black.
We came back from the raid and arrived in Kattegat. Normally we would have a big crowd waiting for us, but this time only a few people of kattegat were there to wait for us. I dragged myself out of the boat and went Looking for Y/N, but i couldn't find her. I saw Aslaug and went over to her. "Where's Y/N?". I asked. "She's in our house, just like the rest". She said. "The rest?". She nodded. "The rest of the people who are sick". Aslaug said.
I looked at Aslaug and then left. Most people see me as cold blooded, but when it comes to Y/N, i'll do anything to protect her. I went over to my house. On my way i heard a lot of coughing and some crying. I crawled into the house and saw a bunch of people laying on the ground in rows. They're all sick. I look around for Y/N, but can't find her. I crawl to the back of the house and see Y/N laying, she's asleep. A little smile forms on my face, but then the concern hits. I crawl over to her and sit next to her. I stroke het hair out of her sweaty face. She has a high fever. I kiss her in her forehead and she wakes up. "Hey beautiful". I whisper. She smiles "Hey Ivar, how was the raide?". She said in a raspy voice. "It was okay, but i missed you". I said. "I missed you too, i'm glad you're here". I grab her hand and just hold it. "How are you feeling?". I ask. "I'm okay i guess". She says. She starts coughing really bad. I give her something to drink. "Y/N i have to go to the guys to discuss something, but i'll come back after that". I say. "Ivar, that's sweet of you, but i don't want you to get sick". She says. "But i want to be with you". I say. "Yes and i want to be with you, but i don't want you to get sick. Please do it for me?". I look at Y/N and then nod "Fine, but first thing tomorrow i'll visit you". I gave her a kiss on her forehead and then left.
The next day i went to Y/N. I sit next to her and i noticed she's doing way worse then yesterday. She's burning up and lost her appetite. I crawl to Aslaug. "Aslaug, we have to do something or i'm going to lose her". I said. "We just have to pray to the gods for her. She's strong Ivar". I nod and go back to Y/N.
I see Y/N is awake. "You're awake!". I say. I sit next to her and stroke her cheeck. "How are you feeling?". I ask. "Better now you're here". She says. I smile.
The rest of the day i was the whole time with Y/N. I made her soup and made sure she ate some. The only time i left Y/N was to take care of business with my brothers.
At the end of the day, after dinner i went back to Y/N and saw she was doing much better. I gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Glad to see you're doing much better". She smiled. I love her smile and then she looked at me with her beautiful eyes. "Thank you for taking care of me Ivar". She said. I looked at her "No problem Y/N" and we gave each other a hug.

Sorry for the crappy ending. I hope you guys still like it tho.
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