#21 Hvitserk: You Treat His Wounds

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Okay sooo this one is short and really bad/cliche I'm sorry :( but the next one will be better I promise. But omg guysss tysm for almost 10K keep up the good work!
Request are open anddddd it's almost Christmas are you going to do something fun with Christmas?
Enjoy the story (I hope aha)
You could smell the scent of blood and sweat. You hear the screaming of men and women slaughtering each other. You smile and breath in the air. You hear a scream coming from being you and you quickly put your axe between the man his ribs and he dies a couple of seconds later. "I love raiding" you whisper to yourself. You grab your axe and start running to your next victim.
After a couple of hours fighting the enemy runs away and you can finally take what is yours. You walk over to the church and starts putting the gold and jewelry in bags. You walk back to the camp with bags full of gold and jewelry and put it in the boats.
During dinner I couldn't find Hvitserk. Halfdan walks over to me and sit next to me. "where's Hvitserk?" he ask. I shrug my shoulders. "I thought he was with you guys, celebrating the victory?" I say. Halfdan shakes his head and then walks away, leaving me confused. I start to get worried and start to go looking for him.
I walk around the camp, asking different people if they have seen Hvitserk.
Eventually I bump into Björn." Hey Y/N" he says. I look a little past him. "what's wrong?" he ask. I look at him and sigh "do you know where Hvitserk is?" I ask. He looks at me confused. "you don't know?" he says. I shake my head and get more nervous. "he's at the care givers" Björn says and then walks away. I say thank you and quickly walk over to the care givers.
I see all the people who are dead and a lot of people are badly wounded. I search for Hvitserk, but I can't find him. I walk over to Torvi who is taking care of the wounded. "he's over there" she says and point into a direction. I follow her finger and I see Hvitserk laying on the ground, badly wounded. I run over to him and sit next to him. He's passed out and I look at his wounds. He has a big wound on his forehead and some bruises on the rest of his body. Tears start to form in my eyes. I stroke some hair out of his face.
He slowly wakes up and groans. He looks at me and smiles. "hey you" I say. He smiles and wipes my tear away. "why are you crying?" he ask. I chuckle "I was worried about you" I say. He strokes my wounds and bruises and pulls me by my clothes to get me closer to him and gives me a kiss. "well don't be, I should be worried about you" he says. "me?" I say. We both laugh a little. He pats next him and I lay myself next him. We lay in each others arms and both fall asleep next each other after a tiring battle.

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