#32 Ivar: Labor Work

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Hiii sorry I haven't posted in a while, busy with work and school.
Soo how's everyone doing?
I hope you guys will like it, I know little bit cheesy but who cares right?
Request are open!

The sun shines through the little cracks in the wooden door.
I sigh, pull my bed covers away from me and sit up.
For a couple of minutes I sit at the edge of my bed and think about the hard day that lies ahead of me.
I sigh, stand up, put my clothes on, quickly eat my breakfast and start my working day.
I walk out of my house, it's a little walk from my house to my work place.
I arrive at the house, I sigh and knock on the door.
The door opens.
"you're late slave" my boss says.
I nod and follow him into the house.
I got a bunch of chores.
First I had to pick all the corns off the land and wash them for dinner. Not that I will get something, maybe the leftovers.
When I'm finally done, sweat is dripping from my face, I'm covered in dirt and tired from the work.
I walk back into the room and my boss is sitting at the table.
"what took you so long?" he ask.
I carefully roll my eyes and hope he doesn't see.
"I have one more task for you today and then you can leave" he says.
My eyes light up by the word leave.
"what do I have to do?" I ask.
"you have to bring something to Ragnar for me" he says.
I nod.
"you have to bring the food you just picked out of my garden. He wants it for his feast tonight" he says.
"but I thought the food was for you" I say, a little confused.
"it is.... For me at least, not for you" he says and smiles.
I sigh and nod, accepting again that I'm just a work slave.
I nod, walk to the kitchen and put all the food in a basket for me to carry.
I place the basket on my shoulder and walk outside.
It's a long walk to Kattegat and of course it's start raining.
The road is getting muddy, my whole body hurts and I'm tired, but I finally reach Ragnar's house in Kattegat.
I carefully knock on the door and let myself in.
I walk inside the house and see all the sons of Ragnar sitting at the table, discussing something. They stop their discussion for a second, look at me (and I'm completely soaked) I greet them and they continue their conversation.
I see the youngest son, Ivar looking at me. I smile at him.
"what are you doing here slave?" Sigurd ask.
Ivar gives Sigurd a dirty look.
"I'm here to bring the food for the feast tonight" I say.
"the kitchen is right over there" Ubbe says and point to the back of the house.
I walk over there and Ivar follows me with his gaze.
I walk into the kitchen, put the food down and walked back to the living room.
I was about to walk out of the house, but then Ivar asked me a question.
"are you coming to the feast tonight?" he asked.
I turned around and all his brothers are looking at him confused.
"Ivar she's a slave, she can't come to the feast" Sigurd says.
"why not, I just asked her so clearly she can" Ivar says and looks at me hopeful.
I look at Ivar and I nod.
"I'd love to come" I say, smile and then leave the house.
I walked back to my house, a little happier.
I got dressed and waited for night to fall.
The sun started to set and I made my way to the feast.
I could hear the music from far away and a smile appeared on my face.
I walked into the house when suddenly Sigurd is standing in front of me.
"what are you doing here?" Sigurd ask.
I look next to Sigurd and make eye contact with Ivar, he smiles and wave and I smile back, but our eye contact is short because Sigurd steps in front of me blocking in my view.
"you have to go" Sigurd says.
"but i-" I say, but Sigurd interrupts me.
"but what, you have to go. You're just a slave. Ivar has no interest in you" Sigurd says.
I look at my shoes, a little sad.
"just go away, you're not welcome here" he says.
I try to walk past Sigurd, to enter the party, but Sigurd keeps holding me back.
I give up, sigh. "it was too good to be true" I say and walk away.
I walk outside, it's a cold wind and it starts to rain a little bit.
I walk to the beach to get some fresh air.
I look at the waves. It's starts to rain.
"sure rain, I could use that too" I said sarcastically.
I sit in the sand, looking at the waves.
Suddenly I hear someone coming in my direction.
I look behind me and I see a figure approaching but I can't figure out who it is.
"Please don't hurt me" I say, softly.
"I know people know me for being aggressive and cruel, but I would never hurt you" he says.
Then I see Ivar coming out of the shadows.
"oh sorry Ivar, I didn't know it was you" I say.
Ivar sits next to me on the beach and for a while we just look at the waves.
"I saw you, but then you dissappeard, what happend?" he ask.
"ohh I just Uhm" I start, then I look at Ivar and I see in his eyes that he truly cares.
"Sigurd held me back" I say.
I look at Ivar and now I see a little bit of anger in his eyes.
"but it's okay" I say and look at Ivar.
"no it's not, I invited you and Sigurd does not get to decide that you're not welcome" he says.
"Ivar, why do you want me to be there so bad, I mean I'd love to, but I'm just a simple slave" I say and hold his hand in mine.
Ivar looks at me and smiles.
"yes you may be a simple slave, but when I see you walking to our house. That's the highlight of my week. You fascinate me and I wanted to get to know you better during the feast" he says.
I start to smile and blush. "really?" I ask.
He nods and smile.
"so will you go back to me to the feast, so we can get to k ow each other better and I'll promise you to keep you save from Sigurd" he says.
I smile " I would love to get to know you better" I say.
I stand up and I help him stand up and we go back to the feast for wonderful night and many more to come ;)

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