#19 Ivar: You're A Slave And Get Mistreated By Sigurd

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THIS POST CONTAINS SEXUAL ABUSE!! If you want to talk about it you can message me 😘
Soooo I'm sorry for not posting so much but I'm so busy with everything lately so yeah I'm sorry ahha but 6K guysss omg and my first story over 1K keep it going!
Anddd today is my bday!! 🎉


You look up at the sky and see starts. You try to count them but there are too many. You enjoy the silence and breath in the cold air of the night.
"Y/N!" Sigurd screams from inside.
You sigh, give the sky one more look and then walk inside the house. You see Sigurd holding his plate.
"Go clean this" he says and hand you his plate. You nod and walk outside to go to clean this in a tub of water. You cleaned his plate and walked back to the house. On your way you see Ivar.
"Hey Master Ivar" you say and take a little bow. Ivar smiles and looks at you"Y/N you know you don't have to call me Master Ivar and bow to me"he days and chuckles. You smile "I know sorry Ivar" you say. "how was your evening?" you ask. He talks a little bit about his day and ask you the same question, but before you can answer you get called by Sigurd to come back. "I'm sorry Ivar I have to go talk to you later" you say with a small smile. You sigh and walk back inside. You walk into the living room but you don't see Sigurd. You walk to his bedroom and see Sigurd naked. You look at him, eyes widened. He slowly walks over to you and grabs you by your hips. He pulls you closer to him. You try to get away but he tightens his grip on you. You start to scream but he quickly covers your mouth and throws you on the bed and starts to do his thing. You zone out so you don't have to experience it, but the pain brings you back to reality. After the 'incident' you  get dressed. "you can go" Sigurd says. You nod and walk away back to the slave house. Once you're outside you start to cry. You arrive at the house and quickly go to bed and try to forget about everything and then you fall asleep.
I was outside looking at people walking through the village when I noticed Y/N walking back to the slave house but she looked sad I couldn't see it very well. I shrugged my shoulders "I'll ask her tomorrow" I whispered to myself.
I go back to my house, to my bedroom and fall asleep. The next morning I went to the dining room and saw Y/N. She was ready to pour our drinks but she looked a little distant. I go to the table and grab a seat. Y/N pours our drinks. I look at her. "Hey Y/N" I say. She looks at me and she quickly says hey back but then walks away.
"Y/N go clean my plate!" Sigurd says. She walks over to him, grabs his plate and walks outside. I follow her and go over to her. I look at her and see tears streaming down my face. "Y/N what's wrong?" I ask. She looks at me a little surprised and quickly wipes away her tears. "oh nothing" she quickly says. I look at her and see bruises on her arms. "are you sure?" I ask. She looks at me and I about to answer me when she gets called by Sigurd to come back. "I-I have to go" she says and runs back inside. I look at her.
Night starts to fall and I go over to the beach to enjoy the fresh air. After a while I went back to my house. I heard some screaming coming from Sigurd's room. I went into Sigurd's room and see Sigurd and Y/N having seks but I look at Y/N's face and see her crying and trying to get away.
"what the hell is this Sigurd?" I ask. "Y/N and I were just having fun" Sigurd says. He tightens his grip and Y/N whines in pain. "I don't think Y/N wants this" I say getting angrier by the minute. "what do you care?" Sigurd says. I look at Y/N "I care about her.... A lot" I say. I went over to Y/N but Sigurd tried to stop me. I punch him in his face and he punches me back. After a while of fighting Sigurd storms out of the room "fine you can have her if you want her that bad" he grabs his clothes, get dressed and walks out of the room. I quickly walk over to Y/N and she starts to cry. I cover her with the sheets and take her in my arms and start rocking her. After all her tears are out she looks at me and strokes my face. "your face are you okay" she ask. I smile and kiss her hand. "are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head. "but I eventually will be better with you" she says. I smile and kiss her on her forehead.

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