#31 Hvitserk: You Meet Him

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Sorry the ending isn't that great, but hey at least I posted something in a long while ahaha
Almost 29K guys I can't believe it!


If you could ask me a question what would it be, and why?
(might answer it)



The waves are clashing against our boat.
I take a look across the ocean, but there's fog everywhere and I can't see anything.
I hear some rumbling going on in the distance, but I rub it off, probably thunder or something.
"pray to the gods my friends, a storm is coming!" I say.
But this was a different kind of storm.
After a while we see a boat coming out of the mist. It's a large boat full of Vikings.
They're coming out of the mist with archers ready to shoot their flame arrows at us.
I look at them." archers ready!" I scream.
The archers take their bows and prepare them self to shoot,but before I can tell them to shoot their arrows.
The other boat shoots their flame arrows.
The arrows land on our boat and the boat starts to catch fire.
The fire is growing bigger and spreading quickly.
Some people start to catch fire.
"everyone jump off board!" I say.
The rest follows my order, but unfortunately some people are already on fire.
The fire is spreading quickly and I jump of the boat too, into the water before I will caught fire.
I dive into the water,i quickly reach the surface of the water and gasp for air.
I look at our boat, pieces of wood are falling down into the water and I have to look out and make sure not to get hit by the falling pieces.
After a while the boat is completely destroyed and sinks to the bodem of the ocean.
I sigh and swim towards the rest that has survived, which isn't much about 2 people plus me survived.
"So what now?" Gilly ask.
I look around.
"there's no island in sight" Gilly says.
"well... Then we just have to swim until we see one" I say and start swimming.
We start swimming, with no island in sight, but we keep hope that we will find one.
Night starts to fall, tiredness is taking over us.
"I'm getting tired" Kaira says.
"just a little further" I say.
"you've been saying that for hours" Gilly says.
"well damnit do you have a better plan?" I say.
Gilly and I start to argue.
"guys listen" Kaira whispers.
But we don't hear her.
"Guys listen!" Kaira screams.
"what?" Gilly says.
"do you hear that?" Kaira says.
"hear what?" I ask.
"shhhh... That's the sounds of waves clashing against something" Kaira says.
"Kaira you genius" I say. I smile and laugh.
"C'mon we have to keep swimming we are close" I say and we continue swimming.
We are really tired, but then out of the fog we see a village dooming up.
"just a little further guys" I say, trying to catch my breath. With our last bit of energy we swim towards the beach.
We finally reach the beach, the ocean is getting shallower and I crawl onto the beach.
The sand is getting all over me, I start coughing because the last couple of meters swimming I accidently got some water in my mouth.
I fall to the ground and turn myself on my back, just glad we made it.
I try to catch my breath, tiredness is taking over us and we all pass out on the beach.


I walk outside my house and take a deep breath in to smell the morning air.
I smile and walk into the village.
In the morning there isn't a lot of activity in Kattegat, not yet at least.
I look at the beach and see some figures laying on the beach.
"this early?" I whisper to myself.
I walk over to the beach to take a closer look.
As I get closer, I can see the women more clearly, but one women really catches my attention.
I look at them, their clothes are still wet so they can't be laying here for that long.
I check to make sure they're still alive. They're still alive thank the gods.
I kneel next to the girl that caught my attention the most.
I look at her face, she's very beautiful. I stroke her hair out of her face and look at her.
I lift her up and take her bridalstyle and I take her to my home.


I flutter my eyes open and groan. I look around and I don't recognize the room.
I shoot up and panic a little.
"where am I" I whisper to myself.
Suddenly someone walks into the room.
I quickly fall back "asleep" and wait.
The person walks into the room and sits on the bed.
He carefully strokes my cheek, I kinda like it.
I open my eyes and look at him. "damn he is handsome" I think to myself.

"you're awake!" he says and smiles.
I nod.
"you're very pretty when you're asleep" he says. I smile.
I look around the room.
"where am I, and who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Hvitserk and you're in Kattegat, but to more specifiek my bedroom" he says.
I nod and smile.
"what's your name?" he ask.
"Y/N" I say.
"and how did a beautiful lady like you end up in a place like this?" he ask.
I sigh, remembering what happend and I start to tell the story.
Hvitserk looks at me and nods.
"that must have been horrible" he says.
I nod and smile nervously.
"thank the gods I found you on the beach" Hvitserk says.
I look at him, into his beautiful eyes.
He strokes some hairs.
I groan out in pain and Hvitserk notice.
"but first let me take care of you" Hvitserk says and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

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