#40 Request ~ Ivar: a shoulder to cry on

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Sooo i hope you guys like this. The ending is not as good as i hoped, but i hope you enjoy it!
I need your advice. I'm thinking about writing a story that i have in my mind for a couple of weeks now. It's not like one shots or short imagines/preferences, like it's an actual book story. And I'm thinking about writing it on wattpad but im not sure if anybody would read it. What do you think i should do?
Request are open!

Ivar and i had decided to meet up near the forest. The forest is the only place you can get some peace and quiet. Don't get me wrong. I love Kattegat and the people who live in it, but sometimes you just want some privacy.
I walk over the little paths that are made in the forest. Sometimes stepping onto a crunchy leave, got to love that sound!
Then i see Ivar. He is sitting on a little grass field surrounded by trees and bushes.
I want to scare him.
I slowly make my way towards him, but my foot steps on a little branch and it breaks.
Ivar quickly turns around, expecting danger, but instead he sees me. His smile grows bigger. "There you are" he says and he open up his arms for a hug. I walk over to him and cuddle up into his arms.
Ivar grabs something. "Look i brought your favorite" he says and shows me. "Strawberries, my favorite!" I say and eat some. "Thank you Ivar" i say and kiss him on his cheek.
Ivar and i chat a little about our day. Then i start to ramble on about something, but i notice Ivar was just looking at me, smiling. "What?" I say. He just smiles. "Do i have something between my teeth?" I aak and start using my fingernail to pick something. Ivar laughs and shakes his head.
"No, i'm just looking and adoring you" he says and put his hand through my hair. "I still can't believe that you are my girlfriend. I'm just a cripple and you... you are a true godess if i may say so". He says. I start to blush. "Ivar you are not a cripple to me" i say and stroke his cheek. "You are my sweet Ivar who cares about me" i say and i kiss his forehead.
"I am the luckiest guy ever" he says. Ivar turns to me. "y/n i have been meaning to ask you this for a long time". Ivar takes my hand. "Unfortunately I can't get on one knee, but" he says and kisses me on the forehead.
"y/n will you make me the lukiest man alive and marry me?" He ask and pulls a ring he made of little twigs.
I nodded and laughed "yes... yes ofcourse i will marry you!" I say and hug him. He puts the self made ring onto my finger and kisses me.
"I can't wait to tell mother about this. She will be so happy for us" he says and smiles.
You know how close Ivar is to his mother and how means she means to him. If anything would happen to her Ivar would freak out.
We went back to Kattegat to tell the great news to everyone.
We see Hvitserk and Ubbe coming towards us. We first smile to them and i wave. They don't wave back. I take a closer look at their faces and i see that their eyes are red and their cheeks are wet. Ivar notice too.
"Hvitserk, Ubbe why in such a rush?" Ivar ask.
Ubbe and Hvitserk look at eachother. "Well Ivar, at first we didn't want to tell you, because..." Hvitserk starts. "But what?" Ivar ask. "Well Ivar... our mom is dead" Ubbe says.
I look at Ivar and he just stares at them. Not saying a word. "How?" Ivar ask. "She was killed by Lagertha" Hvitserk says.
Ivar turns around and goes back to the forest.
I look at Ubbe and Hvitserk. They give me a confused look. "I'll go after him" i say. "My condeolances" i say to Hvitserk and Ubbe and then i leave them to try find Ivar.
"Ivar?" I shout. No answer.
"Ivar where are you?" I shout.
Then i hear some crying in the distance. I follow the sound. Then i see him. In the same place we were earlier this day. Ivar starts to cry harder.
He hasn't notice me yet. I just look at him, letting him feel his emotions without me interrupting it.
Ivar starts to throw things rocks, leaves etc. He then falls to the ground and starts to sob even harder then before.
"MOTHER WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME?" He shouts into the air. "I WILL SEEK REVENGE FOR YOU!" He says and throws his fist up in the air.
I walk over to him and hug him tight. I wipe his tears away and whisper soothing words in his ear. I feel his muscles relax as i touch him. "You're mother loved you verg much Ivar and nothing will replace her" i say and kiss his cheek. "But she will always be beside you and in your heart" i say and i put my fingers through his hair.
Ivar starts to relax and nods. He gives me a kiss back. "But it just hurts so much" he says. I nod "and that's okay, you loved her and it's okay to feel pain" i say.
"You won't leave me right?" He asked. I chuckled. "No ofcourse not. I will never leave you and i will always love you" i say and kiss him on the lips. "Now shall we go back to Kattegat?" I say. He nods and we walk back to Kattegat and the rest of the brothers. Trying to figure out how to live our lives without her beside us.

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