#36 Björn And Ivar: Fighting

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So it's been a while I know. I've been so busy, but I will start writing the next request really soon. I've just been really busy with work and school selection etc.
How are you guys?
I'm so sorry that it took so long!


The sun is shining through the little gaps in my door.
I groan and sigh.
I get out of bed and put some clothes on.
I quickly wash my face and eat some breakfast at the dining table.
My mother walks in the room.
"So what are your plans for today Y/N?" she ask and looks at me with a smile.
"are you going to hang with those boys from Ragnar again?" she ask.
I roll my eyes and nod. "yes, I'm going to practice my fighting skills with Ivar and Björn" I say and look at my mother.
She laughs and shakes her head.
"I think one of those sons has a crush on you" she says and looks at me,then she walks over to me and gives me a kiss on nu forehead.
"my beautiful shieldmaiden" she says and walks away.
"have fun!" she says.
"what do you mean with crush?" I ask but my mother only laughs and walks away.
I quickly finish my breakfast, grab my weapons and head over to the sons of Ragnar.
Hvitserk walks out of the house.
"Hi Hvitserk" I say and wave.
"are you ready to practice?" Hvitserk ask.
I nod and smile "can't wait!" I say.
I sit under a tree waiting for Ivar and Björn to join us.
Hvitserk and I are catching each other up about our lives and then Ivar and Björn walk out of their house to join us.
"what are we chit chatting about lovebirds?" Ivar says and smiles.
Hvitserk throws a rock at Ivar's head.
"we're not lovers Ivar" Hvitserk says.
Ivar quickly looks at me, but I notice and he quickly turns away.
"well shall we begin?" Björn says.
Ivar clears his throat. "yes ofcourse why shouldn't we?" he says awkward.
Hvitserk rolls his eyes and grabs his sword.
"Hvitserk, you and me now!" Björn says and points his sword to the ground.
Hvitserk nods and takes position.
They start to fight.
The fights goes well, but eventually Björn is too strong for Hvitserk.
"ha couldn't take me brother?" Björn says.
Hvitserk rolls his eyes. "I let you win" he says.
"pftt...please!" Ivar says.
Björn looks at Ivar and raises his eyebrows.
"you have something to say Ivar?" Björn says.
Ivar laughs and shake his head and looks at me.
Björn notice, looks at me and jealous back to Ivar.
"why are you looking at her like that?" Ivar says.
"what do you mean?" Björn ask.
"I see you staring at Y/N. Stop staring at her!" Ivar says.
Björn walks towards Ivar. "I wasn't staring and even if I was then what's the problem?" Björn ask.
Ivar looks at me, then back to Björn.
"Let's fight this out!" Ivar says.
"Ivar i-" I say, trying to stop him.
"okay let's fight this out!" Björn says.
"Björn don't" I say, but both Ivar and Björn aren't listening.
They start to fight. First Björn hits Ivar leaving a gap in Ivar's arm. Then Ivar hits Björn leaving a wound on his cheek.
This continues for a while. Björn and Ivar are hitting each other good. It's getting bloodier and more painful to watch.
Suddenly Ivar hits Björn and Björn falls onto his knees.
Ivar smiles. "I've finally got you" he says.
For a moment I think he's going to kill Björn, but Ivar is better then that right?
Ivar just starts to beat him with his fists.
I see Björn getting more weaker with each second that past.
Björn starts couching up blood.
"stop it Ivar, you're killing him" I say and I jump in between them.
Ivar stops and looks at me.
I smile and then look at Björn.
I turn to Björn and he looks at me, half in pain.
"you know, instead of fighting you guys could have asked me who I like" I say and look at both of the guys.
They both look hopeful to me.
I turn myself to Björn and I see Ivar's dissapointed look on his face.
"Björn I like you a lot, but just as friends" I say. Then I turn to Ivar and he looks at me confused.
"but I have feelings for Ivar" I say and smile.
Ivar's face light up. I look at Björn and I see he's heartbroken.
"I'm sorry" I say.
Björn stands up. "you made a mistake Y/N" and he walks away.
I turn back to Ivar.
"you chose me?" he says with a smile.
"even though I'm a cripple?" he says.
I nod and smile. "Yes Ivar I choose you and you being a cripple is a part of you that I also like" I say. He smiles, places his hands on my hips, pulls me closer and kisses me on my mouth.



"is she okay? Will she be okay" Ivar says in a panicked voice.
Helga walks outside the room where Y/N is in.
"she will be okay Ivar, don't worry" she says.
I look at her, a little panicked.
"now would you like to see your newborn?" she ask.
I nod and smile.
I enter the room and see Y/N laying on bed, covered in a little bit of sweat. She's gorgeous.
And in her arms I see a little baby wrapped in a bundle.
"it's a boy" she says.
I smile and sit next to her on our bed.
"a little baby boy" I say.
I smile at the baby and give Y/N a kiss on her forehead.
"he's beautiful" I say.
"you're are going to be a great father Ivar" Y/N says.
I look at her and squeeze her hand.
"and so are you Y/N" and give her a kiss on the lips.

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