#12 Ubbe: Foreign Love

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Heyy guysss
Sorry that it took so long. I'm on vacation and have bad wifi and probably won't be able to post in 1 week or so I'm so sorryyyy
Hope you guys like it and omg 1,5k readers keep up the good work tysm! Request are open would love to make one, don't hesitate everything is a good idea!
It's a cold and foggy day, but that can't break the mood on our ships.
Evening starts to fall and from our boats we can see our destination.
We carefully reach the land and set up the camp, trying to not make any sound. Tomorrow at dawn we are going to attack the people and take everything they own.
I look at the ships and my army and smile. We are ready for this.
There is no feast. We will keep that tomorrow, to celebrate the victory that we will have, so everyone is going to bed early to make sure they are well rested for tomorrow.
I crawl into my own bed too and fall asleep, little nervous for tomorrow.

I stand in front of the mirror braiding my hair. I look in the mirror and see a young beautiful women who is not happy. My father wants me to marry the son of a king but i don't want to.
I look at myself through the mirror, little sad and sigh, put my nightgown on and walk over to the balcony. I hear some voices coming from the beach. Probably the soldiers I say to myself. I give the sky full of stars one last look before I close the doors and crawl into bed where I fall into a deep sleep.
The next morning I wake up and open the curtains. I look out of the window and usually I see a beautiful morning sky and hear the birds cheerping , but this time I see something different. I see a huge army standing in front of our castle gates ready to attacking us.
I start running downstairs to warn my father, but he had left already.
I start running to the towers. I could hear the battle erupting and the strange men and women entering our castle. I start running upstairs when I suddenly bump into someone. I fall to the ground and fall a few steps down. I look up and see a strange men staring at me. He looks wild and I think he wants to kill me but he doesn't. He just looks at me and I look back at him. Then he walks past me without losing eye contact and he continues his journey. He's handsome. I think to myself.
I shake myself out of my thoughts and start running to a saver place before I actually get killed.
I hide myself in the tower and peek through a little window so I can see what's going on. I see men and women fighting a long side. I wish my life was that exciting. Not knowing if you would make it to the next day. I sigh and just wait in the tower thinking about that handsome guy.

Ever since I bumped into that girl, I can't really get her of my mind. Which makes me fight worse, but we just kill enough people that the king pulls him army back to decide what to do with us.
I pull my army back and we celebrate, but I still can't get that girl out of my head. The way she looked at me and didn't see any fear for me and the fact that I couldn't kill her... Where does that come from?
After dinner a knight comes into our camps on a horse. I walk over to him to see what he wants.
"the king wants to talk to you tomorrow to discuss about what is going to happen next". He says. I nod and then walk away without saying a word.

The next morning my father and mother are sitting on their throne and I stand next to them. We're waiting for the intruders. After a while they burst through the door. I look at them, they look wild and ready to kill and last but not least their leader walks in, it's that guy from the stairs. I look at him in awe. He has a gorgeous long braid and he's very tall. Our eyes cross and he seems to recognize me and smiles. I smile back but then remember that they're actually the enemy.
"Ubbe ragnarsson, of course it's you" my father says in an angry voice. So his name is Ubbe I think to myself.
They start to have a discussion about what to do, but during the discussion I notice Ubbe looking from time to time at me. After a while my father and Ubbe made a deal and we started to celebrate it with a feast.
I was looking at the way these vikings celebrate things. They celebrate with loud music, talking and ale. I walked to my bedroom and I saw Ubbe standing there. He looked at me and smiled.
"Uhm... Hello?" I said. A little nervous.
"I've been watching you today". He said. I pretended I didn't know what he was talking about "and I couldn't help but notice that such a beautiful girl like you who probably has everything her heart desires... Is not happy?" he says and looks at me. I turn my head away and nod. "I feel like I don't belong here" I say. Why am I saying this, I barely know this guy. I think to myself but I keep talking.
He let's me face him and grabs my arm. "I can change that" he says. I look at him confused, but I'm interested. "look I don't know you that much, but I think you're beautiful and we should get to know each other and you're clearly not happy here so..... I suggest you come with me to Kattegat". He says. He looks at me hoping for an awnser that I can't give him, not yet. He notices and before he walks out of the door he faces me "meet me at the castle gates around 7 in the morning. That's the time we'll leave. If you want to come with us I'll meet you there, if you don't come then I'll say goodbye here". He then walks over to me and kisses me on the lips and then walks away leaving me alone with a huge decision.

The next morning arrives and I nervously wait in front of the gate, hoping she will come.
After a while I hear some footsteps coming in my direction. I turn around and see it's her. I smile and she walks over to me. "are you sure about this?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders "no, but I'm sure that I don't belong here and that I want to start a new life with you" she says and smiles at me. I give her a kiss and we both walk to the ships off to Kattegat to start a new life.

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