#29 Ubbe: He Saves You

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I know this one isn't the best, but I tried aha.
I hope you still enjoy it tho!
Andd almost 24K keep it going guys tysm! It means a lot cuz I always thought that I wanted to start writing short stories about Vikings but I always thought that it wouldn't get much readers and nobody would really like it, but now here we are aha tysm!

I have a festival tomorrow I'm so excited! What kind of music do you guys listen to?


P.s Request are open :)  I'm running out of ideas ehehe
I look up at the sky and see all the stars.
I admire the beauty of the stars and smile. I take a few steps on the beach and feel my feet get in touch with the water.
I take off my clothes and get in the water.
It's a little chilly, but I like it after a long hot day.
After a while I get out of the water, put my clothes back on.
I walk towards the forest on my way back home and back to my sweet Ubbe.
I walk through the forest admiring the silence. It's always loud in Kattegat and although I love Kattegat, I always love the silence when I walk through the forest.
I hear a noise. I turn around and try to notice something, but I can't see something because it's so dark.
I shrug my shoulders and continue my walk.
I hear the noise again. I turn around and curse myself for not bri ging my axe with me.
"Hello?" I say and wait for a respons.
There is no respons. I wait for a while and then I continue my walk.
I hear a noise again. I quickly turn around and for I can say something I see someone standing in front of me and he quickly head bumps me.
I stumble back and fall to the ground.
I look up, but it's so dark that i can't see the face.
"hello darling, all by yourself tonight?" the person says. The voice sounds deep.
I quickly kick him in the crotch and start to run to the village.
I hear him coming closer. I start to scream hoping that someone will hear me.
I trip and fall and look back at the person. He's closer and ready to attack me. I stand up and run towards him instead.
He's surprised and that's the moment I punch him in the face. He stumbles back but quickly regains his stability.
He smiles "is that it?" he says.
I look at him, confused. "what do you want from me?" I say.
He stays silence and walks towards me "your life" he says.
This is my shot, I tackle him. He falls to the ground and he hits his head. That gives me some seconds to get away from him.
I stand up and run as fast as I can out of the forest. I reach Kattegat and start to scream.
Nobody hears me.
I take a few turns in the hope I can shake him off, but he keeps finding me.
I get tired, but I can't stop. My life depends on it. "I have to find Ubbe" I whisper to myself.
I take another turn, but it's a dead end. I try to find an escape route but there's no one. Then the guy finds me.
"it's the end for you" he says.
I just look at him. "why? W-why me?" I ask.
He shrugs his shoulders. "you have everything" he says.
I look confused at him. "you are part of Ragnarr's legacy. Which makes you very powerful and women shouldn't have so much power" he says.
"that's bullshit and you know it" I say.
He shrugs his shoulders "bullshit or not I'm going to kill you" he says.
He grabs his axe and walks towards me. He throws his axe but I dodge it and quickly grab his axe.
He runs towards me slaps the axe out of my hands. He then pushes me against the wall of the house and pushes my head against it, again and again.
I hear someone scream my name, but my vision is getting blurry.
"who's there?" I whisper.
"huh?" the man says and then turns around.
Suddenly the man is thrown away from me and Ubbe is fighting with him.
I fall to the ground and I can only look, I'm too weak too move.

Ubbe slaps the man in his face and tackles him to the ground. "who gave you the right to touch her!" Ubbe screams in his face.
He then grabs his face and turns his head towards me "look at her. You did this! Who gave you the fucking right!" Ubbe screams. He then starts to punch him in the face repeatedly.
The man is groaning in pain.
I groan in pain and Ubbe immideatly stops punching the man.
Ubbe walks towards me and leaves the man on the ground.
The man groans in pain.
Ubbe takes me in his arms.
"Y/N can you hear me?" he ask.
I nod and groan.
Ubbe wipes the blood away from my face and gives me a kiss on my forehead.
Suddenly the man stands up, looks at Ubbe. Ubbe stands ups but then the man runs away as fast as he can.
"I will find you and I will kill you for what you did!" he screams.
Ubbe walks back to me.
"how did you find me?" I ask.
"I heard someone scream and I recognized your voice. I immideatly went outside to look for you" he says and strokes my cheek.
I groan in pain and feel my head.
"are you okay?" he ask.
I shrug my shoulders.
He gives me a kiss on my lips.
"now let's get you cleaned up so you can rest, you probably need it" Ubbe says.
"thank you Ubbe" I say and smile.
"of course sweetheart" he says and he carefully helps me up, making sure he's not hurting me and he walks me to his house to clean me up.

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