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OKAY, so I was feeling rather angry and spiteful this afternoon

so I decided to vent my feelings my boyfriends (now ex!) girlfriend.

I know i go in and out of rhyming, so just...overlook that.

enjoy my hatred!


So you left me for that girl

A month or two ago.

At first I had been thinking,

"What the hell has gotten into you?"

Now I'm looking closer,

and it's obvious I've missed

a few important details

about why you love your mistress:

Her hair looks like a bird's nest

on her best hair days.

If you look close enough,

I'm sure you could see

little creatures inside.

How attractive.

Have you seen the way

she smacks that volleyball?

That will be you if

you aren't careful.

The way she complains

all the time

must be sexy to you;

the way she says you'll

never do anything right

and it'll never

be enough.

It must be very fun to

kiss her nice chapped lips-

all that dead skin,

you bet I'm jealous.

It must give you a rush

to watch her eat.

Chomping up her food with her

nice donkey teeth.

She's like Godzilla in the grocery store,

I bet.

Throwing around the little Asians

so she can get fed quicker.

Yes, I'm glad I've had this closer look

Because now I finally see

The only one good enough

for you is me!

I'm not saying you should dump her,

if you like that sort of thing.

But honestly, what the hell were you thinking?

The only thing she will do for you

is verbally abuse you

and eat all your corndogs.

A Look Inside of The Madness [Poems]Where stories live. Discover now