Forgotten Whisper

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This is my "self" titled poem.

Enjoy :)


I am the one

who is falling-

I'm ripping apart

at the seams.

Seems as though

I've met my match:

life vs. death,

good vs. evil,

love vs. loss.

The former can win out,

but it takes so much

strength-from all

parties involved.

Why shouldn't I choose

death, when they destroy

my life?

Why should I not

slice my skin open

nightly, when all

they do is ignore?

Why should I keep looking

for someone to love me,

if all they do is leave?

I don't stand

out; I'm the

"emo" one.

Unnoticed and unwanted

by them all,

and that is how it is.

I am the ugly creature

in a world of beautiful things.

I am the heart

broken in a

crowd of lovers.

I am the forgotten whisper

drowning a sea of screams.

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