Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

John's point of view.

"Strip for me John." Noah demands.

My eyes widen. "W-what?!"

"You heard me. Take off your clothes." Noah taps his foot, waiting for me to do as he says.


I hate undressing. I hate being naked alone. Being naked in a room with someone else is out of the question. Not going to happen! I wouldn't even feel comfortable if I was wearing boxers.

I need my clothes...

"Fine! But you have to promise to wear whatever I give you." Noah goes to the dresser, grabs a set of clothes, and hands him to me.

"Where did you get these jeans from?" I ask, eyeing the tight looking pants.

"Ah, Josie let me borrow them!" He smiles happily.

"Josie is a thirteen year old...girl. Noah these are little girl jeans!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, but they're your size! Put them on!" He pushes me into the bathroom. "Oh and be sure to take a shower! You need to smell beautiful!"

I sigh and set my clothes on top of the toilet. I start up the shower. Before undressing I lock the door.

This is crazy! I can't wear girl jeans! I mean they look like normal jeans, except for the fact they seem to be skin tight! Does Noah want the whole school seeing my-well you know!

I groan and climb into the shower. The warm water beats down on my pale skin.

Why did I decide to go along with the plan? Me sexy?! That's crazy talk! I couldn't pass for nice looking, much less sexy!

But what If all this does make Foster want me more? Maybe if I were to act irresistible he'd actually want me?

I guess it's worth a shot.

Once my shower is done I dry off and hop out. Now it's onto the tough part. I pull on my boxers then grab the death contraption. It takes me about five minutes to pull on the skinny jeans, which sadly, weren't that skinny on me. Yeah I'm that small...

After completing the hard task I put on the tight white tee shirt and the loose fitting, gray over shirt. I don't button up the gray shirt, it looks better that way. To finish up the whole thing I bush my teeth then shake out my hair, making it look all messy.

"I hate this." I grumble to Noah as soon as I'm back in our room.

"But you look so adorable!" He pinches my cheeks.

I blush a little. Do I really look adorable? Me adorable? I mean I know because of my small build I'd never be hot, but adorable?

Oh my God...I'm adorable!

"Now looks aren't everything!" Noah sits beside me on my bed. "I've decided that Foster is the type who's in love with cute. So you've basically gotten the cute thing down. Just be as innocent as possible and blush a bunch."

I blush. "Noah, you kind of just described me..."

"Okay then uh, oh! Bat your eyes a lot and bite your lip! Yeah! Do it innocently though! Not innocent like some bleach blonde slut looking for a good time, but like adorable kitten!" Noah chuckles a little. "Just be cute."

"I-I'll try.." I mumble, worrying about what I had just gotten myself into.

I thought lunch would never roll around but it finally does.

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