Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Foster's point of view

"Alright guys I figure since everyone is stressing over the calculus test Friday, how about afterwards we play a little prank on Mr. Griffin?" I suggest.

I know I've been working my butt off making sure I do well. I have to keep my grades up if I want to stay on the student council. Next year I'm hoping to be president...

Eric stokes his chin, as If he had a beard. "I like where this is going."

"We just need to come up with a prank..." I glance over at the short girl beside me with a small smirk.

"Give me a day and I'll have one!" Daisy grins, "See you guys tomorrow!"

"Bye Daisy!" I wave at the red head as she skips off.

"And that's why I love her!" Eric sighs happily, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Speaking about love, I was wondering if you help me find this guy I met the other day." I give Eric the puppy eyes.

You see Eric is my best friend. Words cannot describe how awesomely amazing he is at finding things out. Whenever there's a rumor going around he's the guy who finds out if it really is a rumor or not. It's amazing really.

"Fine. What's his name?"

He's also amazing because unlike some people he could care less that I play for the same team. In fact I think he likes having a gay best friend.

"His name is John and he's the cutest thing ever!" I smile. Just thinking about the boy makes my head spin. He's perfect, from his dirty blonde hair to his almost black eyes. Perfect.

"Alright. I'll call you later tonight when I figure out more?"

See isn't he awesome?

"Thank you Eric~" I hug him tight. "You're the best!"

I wave goodbye to my childhood friend and make my way to my car. Mika is sitting on the hood, scowling. Typical Mika.

"Hello my dear brother, how was your day?" I smile cheekily.

Instead of an answer Mika flips me the bird. Isn't he charming?

"Good, good." I ruffle his hair, "My day was wonderful. I got an A+ on-"

"Cut the crap and open the damn door." He glares angrily at me. "We need to get out of here before Jake comes over and tries to attack me."

"Language!" I snap at him. "The little ones would start saying those nasty words! You shouldn't even be saying them!"

"Just open the door."

"Jake isn't that bad Mika. Give him a chance." I sigh, clicking the unlock button. Mika slides off the hood and gets in the passenger's side. I hop into the driver's seat and take off.

"I'm getting tired of you acting like a brat Mika." I say coldly. "You're upsetting mom."

After a second of no answer I look over to see Mika asleep, with ear buds in. Great.

I run a hand through my hair and groan. I wish Mika would go back to being himself. He used to follow me around like a lost puppy. He used to laugh and be happy. Now he just stays in his room, only coming out when he has to.

I wake him up as soon as we get home. It doesn't take much to wake him up so I'm quickly out of the car.

"We're home!" I smile and look around the empty house. Having six siblings it's a rare event when no one is here. It's nice to get a break and all but it gets lonely after awhile.

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