Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Foster's point of view

"Foster." John whispers, not looking up from his lap. "I don't hate you."

Relief washes over me. I'm sure he's still upset but as long as he doesn't hate me. "You don't?"

John shakes his head. "I-I, why would you think such a horrible thing?"

I lick my lip nervously. "Because I'm so in love with you I was blinded from the truth..." Sounds cheesy but that's truly what happened. I mean even then I knew that John wouldn't dare cheat. I was just too scared to even ask about it.

"Will you forgive me?" I ask, looking over at him.

He nods. "B-but you have to make it up to me. Prove that you trust me."

I smile slightly, leaning over to kiss him. "I love you John, don't you forget that."

John sighs and mumbles, "I won't."

I watch John get out of the car and walk to his "house". I can't help but feel hurt, realizing he didn't say I love you back. I guess I really do have to do something amazing to win John's love back.

But what?

I sigh and start the drive back to the house. I hope things will be perfect between John and I one day. There's nothing I want more than to see him smiling. I love him more than anything and I'm willing to go to great lengths to prove how much he means.

"I'm home." I mutter carelessly, trudging over to the couch. I fall over onto the plushy cushion only to be tackled by a Jake.

"Foster you look so gloomy!" The boy hugs me tight. "Turn that frown upside down! Oh! You know what would help you? CANDY!" Jake springs off of me and into our kitchen. I sigh, running a hand through my wavy hair.

"So I guess you two made up?" I ask Mika, whose currently sitting on the recliner.

He nods, trying, and failing, to hide his smile. "I gave him a pack of Jolly Ranchers."

I chuckle and sit up, leaning against the back of the couch. "I don't think I've ever met someone who likes sweets as much as that boy."

Mika smiles more, his eyes glued to the kitchen. "He just likes food."

Jake comes back with his arms full of candy. "Now we shall feast!"

I laugh at how much candy he's holding in his arms. I didn't even know we had all that! Maybe Mika bought it all because he knew Jake was coming over? Aww they're so adorable~

Later that night I was confronted by my mother. She had just heard where Drake was and had no clue why he was there. So seeing as how I was the only one who knew I was forced to explain exactly why Drake was in jail.

"Rape?" My mother's eyes widen and fill with remorse. "My baby?"

I nod slowly. "T-to top it all off it was John. O-of all people."

I'm not sure why my brother had chosen John. From what I know he's straight as a pole. Maybe he thought it'd seem not as bad since John was a guy? Drake is a big guy he could have easily gotten a different person, someone a little bigger. Then again maybe he picked someone small because they'd be more girlish?

Although I'll never know why exactly my brother chose John to attack I can make assumptions. I have a feeling he did his research, John wasn't just pick randomly. Drake must have realized John is a little more shy than most guys his age. Drake also must have known John had no one to tell.

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