Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

John's point of view

"You want to build a sandcastle?" Foster ask, pulling me closer to him.

I lean up and kiss his cheek softly, his skin warm beneath my lips. I could lie here forever in his shielding arms, saving me from the evils of the world and be happy. However that'd be impossible.

"Okay." I answer in less than a whisper, regretting it as soon as he sits up. I shiver as the cool winter winds blows past me.

"John! Take your shirt off!" Foster grins excitedly.

"W-why?" I stutter, as I sit up.

"I want to build the castle on you." He pouts innocently. "Pleeeease!!!"

I sigh. I really don't want to take my shirt off with the weather as cold as it is, but if it makes Foster happy...

"Okay." I blush a tad as I pull my shirt over my head.

"Okay now lay down and close your eyes!" I do as Foster instructs.

Well at least I get to have an easy job. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought...

Boy was I wrong.

"Foster!" My eyes snap open. "Did you pour water on me?!"

"Well yeah! The sand has to stick!" He smiles. "Don't worry! Once the sand is on you, you'll be warm!" And with that a handful of sand is poured onto my stomach.

Yeah this isn't fun...

"And done!" Foster grins, wiping his hands together to get the sand off. "You look so cute! I have to get a picture!" Foster grabs his phone from his pocket and starts snapping countless picture of me.

"Can I get up now?" I ask. I'm freezing and I'm starting to feel all stiff...

With a sigh Foster nods. "If you must." I start to move my arms out of my sandy restraint. "WAIT!" I freeze. "I wanna tear it down!"

I don't care just get it off! It's itchy! "Okay."

"Yes!!" My eyes widen when I see him pull off his shirt. Why is he taking off his shirt?!

No John, don't question it. Just bask in Foster's shirtless glory.

God he's hot...

Foster discards his shirt onto the wrinkled sheets. My eyes stay attaches to his pale skin the whole time he walks to me. Effortlessly he pushes most of the castle off my chest. All that's left is the clumps stuck to me with the water.

"You know John, you're rather adorable." Foster says smoothly, sitting besides me.

I nod, trembling as he runs his finger over my bare chest. "Y-you've said that before..." I remind him.

Foster smirks and slowly shifts so he's on top of me. His lips move to my ear where he whispers, "What was I doing to you in your dream?"

My eyes widen. I thought he'd never mention that again! Why does he want to know?! It's my dream! Not his!

"N-nothing," I shut my eyes tight. "W-why?"

Foster's lips brush over my jaw line causing the hairs on my arms to stand up. "It didn't sound like nothing." He acknowledges, ignoring my question.

Trust me Foster, it defiantly wasn't nothing.

"Please tell me." His lips find mine, earning me a soft kiss. "Please."

Maybe I could just tell him a little...I-it couldn't hurt too bad. Just the decent stuff...

"You k-kisses me a lot." I mumble, gasping as his lips touch mine sudden. "A-And uh, not just on the lips."

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