Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine.

Foster's point of view.

"Isn't he wonderful?!" I sigh happily, laying my head on Bree's shoulder.

"He seems wonderful." She smiles. "I give you permission to love him."

"That's good because I can't help myself. I'm head over heels utterly in love with the boy." I can't help but lose control of myself, grinning like an idiot.

"Whoa baby bro, first date and you're already in love with him?!" Drake raises an eyebrow.

I roll my eyes and scoff,"Well duh! John is perfect! How could I not love him?" I'm pretty sure anyone could see how perfect John is just by looking his way.

Drake plops next to me on the couch. "Have you fucked yet?"

My eyes widen as a blush spreads across my cheeks. I quickly cover Bree's ears. She's much too young to hear that kind of stuff! God you're so stupid Drake! "No! We've only been dating two weeks! God Drake!" I furrow my brows.

"Are you going to fuck him?"

If possible I blush even more. Just the though of doing that with John is embarrassing yet appealing at the same time. Oh God Drake why'd you have to get that picture in my head?!

"N-No! I mean Yes! No I mean maybe one day!" I crumple up and pout. "Why'd you have to ask that? I feel dirty now!"

"Foster you're-"

"Not in front of Bree!" I groan. My sister would stay Innocent forever if I had any say. So would Mika, but I'm much more protective of my sister. No one lays a hand on my Bree...

Protective big brother? Yes, and proud of it!

"I'm getting tired anyways. I'll just go to bed." Bree sighs. Yeah she loves me but I know she wishes I wasn't so protective of her. Sorry Bree, it's not gonna happen!

I smile and kiss her head. "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"

"Goodnight Foster, night Drake." And with that she disappears up to her room.

"Soo.." I chuckle nervously.

Drake pokes my cheek. "You're going to have to loose you v-card one day."

"Nu uh! I'll be forever a virgin!" I hide my face in my hands.

I guess I should explain why I'm being so awkward when it comes to kissing and all that...stuff.

You see I've never kissed anyone. Heh, yeah. Sure I've dated before, been a while, but I have!

Now to the whole kissing thing.

I'm kind of a hopeless romantic. I'd like people, they wouldn't like me back, then I'd move on like that. Sure I'd be upset, for a while, then I'd find someone else to crush on. Being gay gave me a limited amount of people who I could date. There's just not a lot of guys who like guys in this town.

So once I finally found someone I got a chance with I started getting a little clingy and I did everything I could to make that person happy. However I also would never rush things. I was so afraid that I'd mess up the relationship if I were to do more than just hug or kiss them on the head or something. Sadly that messed up the relationship. I go too slow.

Do I want to kiss John? Yes! More than anything! I'm just scared he wont like it then dump me.I can't loose him. I've never felt for someone like I have for John. I know I love him.

Drake pushes my shoulder and I peak up at him. "Foster you know you want to. Can't you just picture John's face as you shove you di-"

I cover my ears, biting my lip. Drake is going to turn me into a pervert! I like being nice and sweet, not nasty and pervy!

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