Chapter Thirteen
"John," A sadden sigh comes from behind the door. "Please, please come out."
"No!" I mumble stubbornly. "I'll stay here forever!"
I'm so embarrassed. This is horrible. I was having a dirty dream about Foster and real Foster heard it! Why me?! Of course something like this was going to happen! I bet Foster thinks I'm a total loser now!
I hear a soft bang from the door. "John if you don't come out I'll never get to see you again and that wouldn't be good at all." Foster's angelical voice rings throughout the small bathroom.
I want to, but I can't! It was too embarrassing! I'll never be able to look Foster in the eyes again.
The doorknob starts jiggling. "Cutie I can make your dreams come true."
My eyes widen. That didn't sound like something Foster would say! B-but it is rather appealing...I mean the dream was one thing but if it was real life...
Foster groans. "Please come out John! It's three o'clock! You've been in there two hours!"
Maybe I could come out. I am getting rather bored. And it would be nice to see Foster.
I take a deep breath and stand. Reaching for the shiny doorknob, I quickly glance in the mirror. My stomach turns. I have no clue what Foster sees in me. I'm too skinny, my hair is just a blonde floppy mess, black circle rim my sad dark eyes. I scream boring in both personality and looks.
"Cutie, my lips are missing yours!" Foster cries. Now that I'm standing I'm able to tell he's pressed against the door. I have a feeling I'd be able to feel is heat radiating through the wood. He's really warm.
Working up the courage my hand falls to the cool metal doorknob. I slowly turn it. I hear the clicking noise indicating its no longer locked. There's no turning back now John. I pull the door open, not daring to look anywhere but down.
Two warm arms bring me to a even warmer chest. "Thank you." The words float though my body making me feel all tingly.
I don't respond. Instead I hide my face in his chest and let his intoxicating scent overwhelm me. He's so perfect in every way and he chose me. I bet Foster could have anyone, but instead he picked plain old me.
"You hungry?" He asks, keeping his protecting arms around my small frame.
Now that he's mentioning it, food does seem nice right now. "Yes," I pull away from him. I guess I should get dressed. I don't think walking out of the room in my ripped up pajamas is a smart idea. Not at this hotel anyways.
"Then get dressed because operation best date ever is a go!" And with that I get one quick kiss. "I'll be down in the lobby when you're ready, bye cutie~"
Foster ruffles my hair then runs out of the room, leaving to get ready for our date.
"Foster where are you?" I whisper to myself as I explore the grand lobby. Sighing I walk over to a white leather couch and sit.
"Hello!" My eyes widen as a foreign voice springs from beside me.
I turn my head to look at the dark haired girl. "H-hi."
Who is this?! Why Is she talking to me?!
The girl, who looks maybe a year or so older than me, smiles. "I'm Elaine, what's your name?" Her green eyes skim me over.
Great Foster you leave me alone and now some scary girl is talking to me. Why aren't you here?!

Dying to Live
Teen Fiction(BoyXBoy) "Well, well, well." Drake smirks, sitting on my legs. My eyes widen as I try getting away. "Isn't it strange how I've gotten further with you than my brother?" -- Meeting by chance while babysitting, both John and Foster feel a strange con...