The Future Heirs Arc Part 4

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Note: Tsuna has a stutter, and I didn't make him have it just for cuteness overload, there is a reason as a friend of mine had asked about it during me writing this chapter. Mostly, all his weird habits and actions that spelled out his reluctance, fear and probably submission were developed during Estraneo. That will be for a whole other chapter, or chapters, depends on how detailed I want it to be.

Please tell me what you think about the story so far.

And to those who are wondering, yes, Tsuna will be a hacker, but he won't be out doing practical work, instead he'll rely on some contacts for outside information.

I put the First Generation there in the first place when Tsuna was forgotten and neglected as well as abused because I really can't see a two-year-old learning how to defend themselves or become independent. As for the Italian dictionary, he heard Giotto and the others converse in Italian and couldn't understand them, and is very, very bad at Japanese. As such, he found an Italian dictionary on a book shelf, the lowest one and discovered it was the language he heard Giotto speak.

How Xanxus and Tsuna met will be mentioned in the Varia Arc. Though I will insert few pictures taken during Tsuna's two month stay at the mansion that might give you readers a bit more of an idea of Tsuna's relationship and closeness with Byakuran and Yuni.


Chapter 9

History of Vongola, Tsuna returns to Namimori

As Giotto was trying to explain himself, Gamma was indulging the three kids in a history lesson.

"I guess I'll be using Byakuran's notes for Primo's reign..." he sighed and ignored the albino who was jumping in joy. "Alright, the Vongola Famiglia, it was originally crete... Byakuran! It's created! Not creted! That's the wrong spelling!"

"Oops..." The albino rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, while still maintaining a cheeky grin.

Gamma groaned, great, it was going to be a pain to decipher most of Byakuran's bad spelling. "It was originally created to protect the people, and well... it didn't really start out as a mafia famiglia. It started out as a vigilante group after the idea was suggested to Vongola Primo, who was Giotto Vongola at the time, by his friend and Simon Famiglia Primo, Cozarto Simon. However, I heard that after the two Primos' reigns are over, both famiglias had some bad blood between each other."

"The Vongola Bosses are known for having the power to see through all, a trait passed down from Vongola Primo called Hyper Intuition. Vongola blood is said to be required in order for one to become a Boss candidate, meaning that only blood relatives of Giotto are eligible for the position of Vongola boss and adopted members of the Famiglia -like the adopted son of Nono, Xanxus- are not accepted."

"From then on, each generation of the Vongola Famiglia has donned formal attire when risking their lives to fulfill this duty. Like I said, the Vongola originally started as a vigilante organization, but their ways gradually changed during Vongola Secondo's reign, starting to turn towards violence and crime. But we'll talk about that later on."

"Each generation of bosses has their own set of Guardians whose positions are named after the weather, and each weather having their own corresponding colour. The Sky, orange, being the boss, at that time, Giotto. Their Guardians will be the Storm, red, Rain, blue, Lightning, green, Sun, yellow, Cloud, purple and Mist, indigo. Storm being G, Rain being Asari Ugetsu, Lightning being Lampo, Sun being Knuckle, Cloud being Alaude and Mist being Daemon Spade."

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