The Future Heirs Arc Part 5

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Just to give some help about the timeline issue, Tsuna stayed at the mansion for almost three full months, and went missing a month after his third birthday. He arrived at the mansion unconscious during Yuni's birthday and after the party had ended. A total of two years and five months.


Chapter 9

YUNIted and Nana's regret

(P.S YUNIted is pronounced as 'United'. Just a little play on the word)

Tsuna tried really hard to not sigh, he really did, but the thousandth sigh in his day just couldn't resist to come out as he stood in front of a newly opened restaurant/cafe/bar with the name, in English, 'YUNIted'. The front name plaque was also decorated by black lilies, both painted on and real.

He thought dryly as his small legs carried him to the staff room, 'How did they get Aria-san, Gamma-san and perhaps Yuni-chan to agree to this in the first place? Well, Yuni-chan is easy, but Gamma-san...'

Absentmindedly admiring the interior that had obviously costed quite a fortune -not for Byakuran it seems- and once he was in the staff room, he looked around and his eyes widened, his hand shot out to touch a small picture of Byakuran pushing a marshmallow into his mouth whilst making a piece sign behind him, Yuni sitting on the floor in front of them, making her own piece signs. Tsuna was desperately trying to do his own peace signs but the albino certainly wasn't making it easy. He at least didn't scowl, he though in relief. His eye twitched as he remembered that moment, that damn marshmallow addict.

"I know you are a heir and all, but really...?" Tsunayoshi fixed the sheepish albino with a flat stare as the only other person in the entire building just led the two of them to sit down in the main area, in front of the counter.

Said sheepish albino beamed as a cup of cocoa and marshmallows was placed in front of him a second later and a cup of Espresso in front of Tsuna, who sipped on it slowly after blowing it.

Seriously, most of the cafes around the Giglio Nero territory has Espresso as their highest hit, thanks to this someone named Reborn -another mental note was made-, and apparently, is in the same condition as the two military toddlers. Gamma apparently thought it was a good idea to introduce coffee to Tsuna, especially espresso.

"So what's up? W-why did you ask to meet here?" He cursed himself, ever since the first experiment, he has been stuttering quite a lot and uncontrollably, as if afraid that someone might hurt him if he was confident, that was the case back then, but he couldn't seem to remove the ingrained habit and fear.

"Well~~~ I'm going to be staying at Namimori!" Byakuran squealed a bit while comically throwing around marshmallows as if they were party stringers, oh wait, to Byakuran, they could be.

"Until Reborn comes to train whoever is chosen." Michaelo interrupted his Young Master. Aria had a vision of Reborn being sent to Namimori to 'train the Vongola heir'.

"So you're staying i-in here? Bar? Or is it a restaurant?" Tsuna was thoroughly confused.

Michaelo chuckled good-naturedly. "Well, yes. It was Young Ma... Byakuran's idea and really, I'd prefer a cafe. A restaurant doesn't really fit, considering we only serve Italian dishes and some Japanese, and mostly beverages."

"Tsu-chan can be the barista! I'm the food giver!" Byakuran said.

"It's waiter." Both Michaelo and Tsuna corrected, one with a bit hesitation but the albino just pointedly ignored them.

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