Daily Life Arc Part 12

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I apologize for the lack of update, I still have online school and online tuitions to attend daily, as well as near-constant online exams and homework. I am still living the stressful student life (which would be much more enjoyable if I could be at school annoying my friends but catching up on Minecraft and anime is also enjoyable).

Please, please, please (I cannot stress this enough) don't spam my inbox on whatever website with 'Update' and any variation of that, I update when I want to, okay? I have a life outside of writing, no matter how busy and stressful it is, and i just do not have the time right now, (I'm almost failing physics...). I write at my own pace, please just understand that, I've already taken to muting my inboxes from FF.net and ignoring Wattpad PMs because of the spam, so I'm sorry if I miss out on your message that isn't a variation of the 'please update' spam.

Reborn finding out some things by himself, and yet further confusing himself as well.



2003 - Lancia is born

2012 - Byakuran's uncle was assassinated on December 22nd. Lancia gets taken into the Serpentine Famiglia on December 24th.

2013 - Byakuran is born (March 14) , Mukuro is born, Kyoya is born, Ryohei is born. Michaelo killed Gesso's brother's (Bya-kun's uncle) murderer on December 22nd. Ken and Chikusa are born.

2014 - Tsuna (13/10) and Ieyoshi (14/10) are born, Kensuke is born, Takeshi and Hayato (September 9th) are born. Kyoko and Hana are born

2016 - Yuni is born on January 15, Sawada twins are 2

2017 - Tsuna (3) gets sold to Estraneo and meets Mukuro, Ken and Chikusa.

2018 - Hayato started to perform piano for guests, first time eating Bianchi's poison cooking. Officially met Michaelo who consoled the crying Hayato.

2019 - Yuni is 3, Estraneo gets destroyed, Tsuna was rescued by ghosts to Giglio Nero mansion in January. Tsuna is now 5, Byakuran and Mukuro 6. Arcobaleno visited Aria and Yuni. Tsuna arrived after they left. Byakuran and Yuni officially meet each other and meets Tsuna, Yuni and Byakuran revealed to be half-siblings through Byakuran's father. (The Future Heirs Arc Part 2). In April, Tsuna goes back to Namimori. YUNIted is built. An unofficial alliance was created between Michaelo and the Giglio Nero.

2020 - The Crib Incident. Gesso becomes a Famiglia. Official (but silent) announcement of the alliance between Gesso and Giglio Nero. Mukuro (7) gets taken into the Serpentine Famiglia (lancia's Famiglia) along with Ken and Chikusa, both also 7 years old.

2022 - Hayato ran away. Mukuro(9) gets taken away by the Vindice with Ken (9), Chikusa (9) and Lancia (19). Lambo is born

2027 - Tsuna is 13, Reborn arrives. (by the way, since his birthday hasn't passed, he's not really 14 yet, so he'll be 15 in the Varia Arc). Enma meets the Trinisette Siblings.

2028 - Kokuyo Arc and Varia Arc.



2027 (I'm really following the 2027 calendar...)

5/5 - Hibari Kyoya turns 15 years of age.
14/6 - Reborn boards the plane to Japan.
20/6 - Reborn arrives in Japan (presumably on that day since Tsuna can only guess), and is introduced in YUNIted
21/6 - Reborn arrives at the Sawada household. First bullet used on Ie. The kendo match happened.
22/6 - Smoking Bomb Hayato arrives, Tsuna gains a Storm, Mochida is scouted by Reborn to become Ieyoshi's Cloud. Second bullet used. Mukuro broke out of Vendicare.
23/6 - Takeshi's attempted suicide, was saved and became Tsuna's Rain.
29/6 - Bianchi and Lambo arrived. Third bullet.
30/6 - TYL Lambo makes an appearance and stirs things up.
12/7 - Haru makes an appearance. Tsuna's PTSD attack, Ieyoshi starts to regret.
13/7 - Haru attempts to challenge Ieyoshi. Fourth bullet. Tsuna gets interrogated and Reborn gets played.
16/7 - The Namimori inter-school baseball tournament.
19/7 - Summer holidays start. (monday)
(some time during the holidays,
25/7 - Tsuna accomplishes Enma's task and informs him of it. (Sunday). Start of the reparation of the brothers' relationship.
2/8 - 7/8 - The Summer festivals in Namimori.
2/8 - Enma and his Guardians are in town. Cielo27 contacts him and they start to plan a meeting without masks
4/8 - Enma meets Sawada Tsunayoshi. After a bit of talking, there were no misunderstandings as Enma understands how much Tsuna hates Iemitsu and they become friends.
5/8 - Enma is introduced to Byakuran, Yuni and Michaelo.
31/8 - Summer holidays end.
1/9 - Ieyoshi, Kensuke (joined by spectator Bianchi and spectator Hana because of Reborn) has to fight Kyoya (Reborn's meddling)

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