chapter four

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finally after so long, this chapter can be published

also look at that i'm incorporating the now now into this

ps: i didn't go to georgia like i was hoping :(


The next day, Murdoc once again visited the small apartment in order to keep 2D company, and the bluenette enjoyed it. He recollected when they would hang out prior to Noodle going missing and prior to the events on Plastic Beach. Murdoc may have easily been a prick, but 2D was a forgiving person and naturally forgave the Satanist for everything he'd ever done.

He got dressed for once, and even took a shower since he hadn't in almost a week. He had decided that in order to patch up his friendship with Murdoc, he would have to look decent - decency being a very strong word. He'd actually only thrown on a pair of sweatpants and an old, but clean t-shirt. He'd also fixed his hair, using the mirror to trim pieces that were too long and combing through the ones that weren't. In the process he lost quite a bit of hair, but the amount of hair he still had left kept it from being too obvious.

2D began to tidy up as there was a knock on the door, so he paused and went over to it, checking the peephole to make sure it wasn't someone coming to murder him - which wouldn't have necessarily been a bad thing. He noticed a head of greasy black hair contrasting against pale green skin and opened the door. "You look and smell like a normal human being," the Satanist said, and Stuart shrugged. "Normal might not be the right word for me, Murdoc," he said and the man frowned.

"The hair and eyes, or..." he questioned and Stuart frowned, then Murdoc understood. "Ah, right."

He was led into the apartment and was surprised to see a bowl of small fruit sitting on the table with two glasses sat next to it on either side. "I, uh, went and bought some apple juice so the only thing t'drink wasn't water," the bluenette said and Murdoc nodded. He didn't want to upset 2D because of all he'd gone through since leaving the band and even before leaving the band.

The two sat down in an awkward silence until Stuart stood up and put a record on - their own record, but a sort of greatest hits compilation. "I don't like silence," he explained, sitting back down and taking a sip of his juice, then taking one of the berries and nibbling it slowly.

They stayed in complete silence, and Murdoc only spoke up when El Manana had begun to play. "You know, I've apologized countless times for that day," he said, referring to the day the music video was shot. "To me, or to Noodle?" 2D questioned. "Both. I can't even begin to explain how sorry I am that it happened."

"I bet ya don't feel bad for Plastic Beach," 2D mumbled, but the look on Murdoc's face said otherwise. "I don't blame ya for feeling that way. You deserve to feel like that. I was - how would you put it... a complete arse."

2D nodded. "Yeah, ya were," he said, standing up and walking to his bedroom He returned with something in his hands. "I uh... I meant to give this to ya after I got released, but the car was gone," he said, handing Murdoc something wrapped in blue gift wrap. "Happy late birthday Muds."

Murdoc unwrapped it slowly to reveal a box. "Hold on," 2D said, producing a switchblade from his pocket and handing it to Murdoc. "Self-defense," he explained as Murdoc used the knife to slice open the box. Inside was a book, with no words on the front. He took the book out and opened it, revealing a mess of words that he could only just make out.

Dear Murdoc,

I don't know how or when I will be able to give this to you, but this book is just to say thank you for everything that you've ever done for me.

In this box you will find notes, song lyrics and pictures I've kept hidden for years. Hopefully you will put them to much better use than I ever will.

Stuart "2D" Pot.

"What is this?" Murdoc asked, slowly turning over each page. "Song lyrics. Notes I've written you but never gave you. Pictures of us. All somehow shoved into this book. Just don't read the notes until you leave here," 2D replied. He didn't want Murdoc to think any leas pf him than he himself already did. "M'emabarassed to even let ya read them, let alone while you're here."

Murdoc nodded, looking through more of the box, not going through each and every single picture.

At that point, it had gone five hours, and it was time for dinner. "2D, I know you don't eat, but lemme buy ya somethin'. Of course, you don't have to," Murdoc offered and 2D nodded. "Yeh, lemme just... put some shoes on, then I'll be ready to go."

While Murdoc waited, 2D walked into his room and closed the door, then opened his closet. Why was he even going? It wasn't like he ate much.

You should've said no.

It was back. That nagging voice had returned to torment him. He couldn't answer - Murdoc would think something was wrong.

You aren't answering because you know I'm correct.

2D shut his closet door and walked father into the closet. "No. M'not answerin' ya 'cause I don't want Murdoc to worry," he said and heard a laugh echo throughout his head.

He won't worry because he doesn't care about you. He never has and never will. Face it, Stuart: Nobody cares about you.

2D sat down at the back of the closet and put his chin on his knees. He wrapped his arms around his legs and began to sob. He hated what was happening to him. He did want to make music and he did want to spend more time with Murdoc, but his brain said otherwise.

When his closet door opened, he looked up to see the aforementioned Satanist standing in the doorway, a shocked look on his face. 2D turned his face down so his closed eyes were shoved into his knees.

"2D, are you okay?" he asked softly and 2D shook his head. "No, m'not. I hate bein' alive and I just wanna stop existin'," he said and felt arms wrap around his waist. The bluenette lifted his head up to see Murdoc sitting next to him with his chin on his shoulder.

"We don't have to go out to eat if ya don't want to," the Satanist suggested and 2D nodded. "M'kay. Murdoc, can you stay with me? I don't wanna be alone."

Murdoc nodded as he continued to hug 2D, not wanting to let him go.


it's finally done.

i'm starting to actually make this fit the plot more and hopefully i get a laptop for christmas so i can be more productive.

i did ask my mom if i could get both a macbook & a phone tripod as my "big" gifts, and she didn't say no, so i'm crossing my fingers.

but yeh, this is finally finished. lemme know what you think and if you have any ideas on what type of "date" 2D & murdoc could go on. i put date in quotation marks bc it's not technically a date. just an outing so 2D isn't stuck in his apartment.

bye! see ya in the next chapter!

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