chapter twelve

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this chapter is vv sad tissues recommended

takes place the next day


2D's day began with a silent bowl of cereal, Cocoa Puffs which had gone soggy due to how long they'd soaked in milk before being eaten. The bluenette cringed at the absence of crunching, but finished it hastily and dumped the empty bowl into the sink.

Murdoc was in the kitchen, standing in front of an open fridge searching for leftover booze from the night before. Upon realizing that there probably wasn't any more, he closed the door and came face-to-face with the bluenette, whose reaction was to narrow his eyes and exit the kitchen as swiftly as he'd entered.

2D found no reason to even acknowledge his existence, let alone speak to him, so he opted for heading up to his bedroom and lying down. He couldn't cry; he'd already done too much of that, and to cry over Murdoc was, in fact, a waste of time.

Five minutes went by and as 2D had decided to go to sleep, there was a knock on the door.

"Whoever you are, go away. I'm not in the mood," he mumbled, but the knocking didn't cease. 2D groaned in frustration before getting out of bed and walking angrily towards the door. "I said go away–" he began, opening the door, only to find Noodle standing in front of him. His breath hitched at the back of his throat, before his entire demeanor switched and he did his best to put on a genuine smile; however, it failed and Noodle could easily tell that it was fake, but decided to pretend she hadn't.

"I didn't see you downstairs at midnight," she said and 2D shrugged. "Yeah, I uh– I was tired, so I decided to go to sleep early. Y'know, I'd had a lot of alcohol and was beginning to get a headache, so I came upstairs and took some aspirin and went to sleep," he explained. It wasn't entirely a lie, but it was far from the full truth.

"Well, I just wanted to see how you were," she said, a smile on her face, which was all but returned in the full proximity that Noodle had given. She left, and once again 2D was forced to sit alone, socializing not an option seeing as he didn't feel like talking to anyone or listening to other people speak. He waved a goodbye a minute after she left and returned to his bed, falling face-first onto the comfort of the mattress.


It was beginning to grow darker, the temperature dropping as the sun went down. 2D lied in bed for the better part of seven hours, drifting in and out of sleep—all while hating himself more than usual. It was unhealthy, the amount of self-hatred he was subjecting himself to.

It was never-ending, clouding his mind with thoughts of how so many people would be better off without him. That Murdoc especially would be happier, because he would finally be rid of the one person who he was truly disgusted by. Of course, the word disgusting had never left Murdoc's mouth regarding 2D, but the bluenette knew that it was exactly how he felt. Disgusted, ashamed, grossed out at the knowledge that 2D was actually in love with him. Repulsed, even.

2D decided that he never wanted to wake up again, just so he wouldn't have to face Murdoc. So there he sat, a bottle of Vicodin being passed between both of his hands. It was new, having been picked up two days prior and still filled to the brim with the ellipsed white tablets.

Countless apologies to anyone and everyone he felt like he'd done wrong later, he twisted the cap off and dumped the contents of the bottle in his mouth and swallowed with a single gulp. Seconds passed before he felt extremely dizzy, so the first thing he decided to do was exit his room and stumble down the stairs.

Sat on the sofa was Noodle, and at the opposite end sat Murdoc. They looked up simultaneously and both exhibited looks of surprise. "Are you alright, 2D? You look pale," Noodle said, worry present in her tone. "I'm... fine. Per... fectly– perfectly fi–"

And he collapsed.


sorry it's so short; i'm losing any and all motivation to write this tbh. i'm so stressed because i'm in the process of moving literally across the country, and i'm most likely catching a cold because it's 33°f where i live. so i do apologize for the lack pf quality in this chapter, but i promise it'll get better by the next one.

reminder: there are three chapters remaining, then it'll be complete. after this, i'll be focusing on my dnp fanfics, then transfering everything to ao3. don't worry, it's still gonna be here, but it'll be there as well.

time for my favorite part of any update, the anime i'm currently watching! i'm in the middle of four, two of which i only started watching recently.
• sailor moon
• cute high earth defense club love!
• kiss him, not me
• school-live!

now, i hope you all have a good day/night/evening/morning/whatever, and i'll talk to you in the next update (whenever that is).


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