Chapter 11: Seduction's Pursuit

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"Hazel, I'm sorry to say this." Dr. Maria says, shaking her head sadly. "I really don't think you'll be able to go. You're just too sick."

I sulk, my tailbone at the very edge of the seat, my arms crossed. Mum and Dad lean forward, trying to coax the doctor into changing her mind. Angry tears form in my eyes. If I wasn't sick, I'd be able to go to Dubai with Augustus next week and live the experience of a lifetime. But because my lungs totally suck at being lungs, I'm homebound, forbidden to travel abroad.

"Even if Hazel was only to go to the hotel and wedding reception...nowhere else?" Dad asks the doctor, a note of desperation creeping into his voice.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lancaster, but unless you really want to compromise the health of your daughter, I really can't condone the trip."

Mum and Dad kind of deflate, disappointed. I feel annoyed. Annoyed and angry.

"What about if Mum came?" I ask, almost against my will. "Or a nurse? What if we funded the trip for a nurse to come with me?"

"There isn't enough time to sort out all that paperwork, Hazel." Dr. Maria tells me, a sympathetic tone to her voice.

"Screw the paperwork!" I half-shout. "We're talking about my life here. I really really don't want to die having done absolutely nothing worthwhile with my time! Seriously? Are you freaking suggesting I stay here and do nothing for the rest of my sorry life?"

Dr. Maria pouts slightly. "I don't really know what to suggest." She says and I glare at her. Really glare. I've never unleashed such a forceful frown in my life.

"Fine!" Dr. Maria finally caves. She deflates, letting out her breath in a whoosh. "I'm sure we could make arrangements for you if you take one of your parents – preferably your mother since she understands your disease better." She shoots my dad an apologetic smile. "But Hazel, if something happens over there, we can't help you until you're back home."

"I'll be fine!" I smile, jumping up in my seat with glee. "I refuse to allow my lungs to fail on me, Dr. Maria. I really would like to survive this trip!"

Dr. Maria's face clears of guilt and self-loathing as she sees my pure joy and she laughs. "That's the idea, Hazel." She says. "We'll put you on extra meds, load you up with tanks and give you paperwork just in case something does happen over there and the doctors need to know what's wrong."

I can't help it; I throw my arms around her, hugging so hard that I struggle to breathe. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say, grabbing my phone and texting Gus.

We're good to go!

He texts back: Oh My God. I just spilled coffee down my shirt because I was smiling like a goofy idiot.

I laugh at the text and the adults around me all do this soppy sort of thing where they smile adoringly and tilt their heads to the side. I ignore their patronising looks and shake Dr. Maria's hand, before walking out the door.

"I can't believe it!" I say to my parents. "I'm going to Dubai with Gus."

My mum and dad just nod, both beaming.

"Hazel, sweetheart," My dad says. "Your mother and I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Fire away." I say, in too good of a mood to be concerned.

"We think...We think it would be good if you went to a support group."

I stop dead in my tracks. "No." I say, not looking at them. "No. No way. No. You know how I feel about those depressing cancer support groups. All they do is talk about their cancer, how it's making them more depressed, and how they miss their dead friends. No."

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