Chapter 19: Horror's Ice

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I wake to the sounds of shouting.

My chest hurts, and my head pounds so hard against my skull that I think I might faint again. The events suddenly all come rushing back to me and I try to sit up straight, but my strength is depleted and I'm so tired...

"Morning, sleeping beauty."

My eyes snap open. Zac strolls in, wearing just a towel around his waist, water dripping from his dark hair. Hatred burns through me, but something else too. Fear. Did he...did he try anything while I was unconscious?

I look around. He hasn't tied me to anything. I'm just sat here, in his bed, still wearing that skimpy robe. Why didn't I put on anything more...concealing? I can tell by the style of the room that I'm still in the hotel and I can finally source the sounds of shouting from the pedestrians and marketers down below, on the streets. The sun shines through the windows, lighting the room, casting a warm glow on my face. I squint and look away.

I try to stay calm through the panic that twists at my stomach. "Why am I in your room?"

He smirks, pulling a t shirt over his shoulders. Damp patches dot the white shirt where his soaking hair has brushed it. "Because I brought you here."


Zac shrugs. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

I frown. That is not what I expected him to say. "You kidnapped me."

Now it's Zac's turn to pout. "I wouldn't use the word 'kidnap', exactly. It was just a little role play."

"Are you so guilty that you're downplaying what you did?"

Zac turns to me, the towel still wrapped around his hips. "I was very drunk last night, Hazel." He says darkly. "And angry."

"You think that makes it alright?" When he doesn't respond, I sigh. "Just let me go back to my room."

"I can't do that."

I lean back, pulling my robe over my body. "Why not?"

"Because they're looking for you now. If I let you go, they'll know I took you." He shrugs and turns back around. Without hesitation, he drops the towel, revealing everything. Disgusted and shocked by his abrupt movement, I squeeze my eyes shut, goosebumps of foreboding shivering across my skin.

"So I won't tell them." I say, my eyes still closed. I spare a thought for Augustus, who is probably frantic with worry. I was last with him, after all. The thought of our night together makes me blush slightly and my body trembles, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I need to find him.

Zac, who has now pulled some dark jeans on, flits around his room. I watch him carefully. He pulls various t-shirts and other items of clothing out his wardrobe and chest of drawers, throwing them into a bag, which lies on the floor in front of him.

Something clogs in my throat. "What are you doing?" I ask.


Cold seeps into my skin. "Where are you going?"


I peer at him. "So you'll let me go?"

He huffs. "No." He says. "I booked two tickets. You're coming with me."

I choke. "You have to be joking." I say and laugh. Even I can hear the sound is brittle and false, riddled with the terror that almost consumes me. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"How are you going to stop me, sweetheart?"

There it is. There's the mocking, snide voice I've been waiting for. I hadn't expected the cold, abrupt responses I was receiving before, and didn't know what to make of them. "I'll only shout." I say, after swallowing. "And run. I'll never stop running from you."

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