Ice cream parlor

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Richie, Bill, Beverly and Stan rode their bikes over to Coco's ice cream parlor.
    Wheels collided against the hard pavement as the 4 kids raced to the cute mint colored building.
    When they got there, they placed their Bikes against the racks and locked them in place. All except for Bill.
    "Ah f-fuck! I f-f-forgot my l-lock." Richie groaned in annoyance. He wanted his chocolate ice cream! Beverly brushed her fiery red hair from her face and placed her hand on bills shoulder. "Don't worry Bill, there's a store down there. Let's go see if we can find you a new lock."
    The green eyed boy nodded and began to walk away with Beverly. "Wait, who's gonna guard the bike?" Stan asked.
    Richie didn't want to. It was too hot and bike duty wasn't his specialty. Riding the shopping carts- definitely. "Why you are, Jew."
   In defense, Stan put up his hand revealing the middle finger. Richie smirked and walked away with his friends.

Eddie sat with Ben and Mike in the chic ice cream parlor. The 3 boys sat there reading comic books, totally unaware of their melted ice cream.
    The small brunette had grown tired of reading the same comics over and over again. He looked over at his melted ice cream and sighed as he picked up the runny liquid and tossed it in a nearby trashcan.
     He sat back down in the mint colored booth and stared into nothingness. he heard the chime of the bell go off, indicating a client had arrived. Eddie looked up to see 3 boys and a girl.
    A boy with green eyes and straight hair combed to the side, another boy with curly light brown hair, a girl with short red hair, and another boy with pitch black hair, brown mesmerizing eyes, and small dotted freckles. Eddie didnt mean to stare. but he just couldn't help himself. that was the day Eddie Kaspbrak had learned ice cream wasn't the only thing that could melt.

Richie threw the door open as he waltz into the parlor. Bill, Stan and Beverly followed behind him. Richie ordered first, desperate to get his hands on the cold dessert. He began looking around the place for a distraction while he waited. he saw paintings, drawings, advertising, and new flavors but only one thing caught his eye. A small brunette boy with brown eyes and curly brown hair.
   The small boy, who had already been staring, looked down and blushed as him and Richie made eye contact. Richie smiled and looked away to hide his blush. He turned around to see Beverly holding two ice cream cones. Chocolate and cotton candy. He instantly chose chocolate and began licking it.
     Beverly laughed at how childish her friend was. She looked over Richie's shoulder to see Eddie still staring. She smiled seeing how cute the small boy way, but she smiled even wider when she realized he was staring at the dork in front of her.
     "I think you've got an admirer richie."
Richie looked back to the boy and smiled at him, causing the brunette to repeat the action. "He seems like he can use an ice cream."
Richie nodded and bought a second ice cream, cookies and cream. He watched as the ice cream man handed him a cone. he held both ice creams in his hand and walked over to where Eddie was, still licking his chocolate cone.
    Eddie was nervous. He saw the boy approach him and he almost panicked but tried his best to stay calm.
    "Hi." The taller boy spoke. Eddie stared at him in curiosity
"You looked like you could use something cool on a hot summers day."
     The taller boy smiled and for the second time that day, Eddie melted.

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