ruin my life pt1

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this ones l o n g. like my metaphorical pp

all throughout middle school, eddie and richie were known to be the chaotic couple.

they'd break up and get back together. over and over and over. richie would date a girl then cheat on her. with who? eddie. it didn't matter what situation they were in, they just kept coming back to each other.

freshman year, richie and eddie werent together. they had broken up during the summer but of course they were still very good friends. being on the football team, richie got his team to help him ask a girl he had met in the beginning of the school year to be his homecoming date. they did and of course she said yes.

eddie was a part of the cheer team and because of his looks and body, he had lots of boys lining up to ask him to hoco. none of them were richie though. he was devastated, not wanting to have had his and richie's relationship end. but as usual, it did. eddie didn't think they were toxic, richie just had his problems and eddie his insecurities. both of them were too young to understand how to love one another.

beverly understood the pain eddie was going through. or, at least she tried. bill tried to set eddie up with someone.. but it didn't go as planned. the guy was a complete idiot and an asshole. forgot his wallet and made eddie pay for everything. never doing that again, eddie had thought.

when he had given all hope for hoco, a boy with wavy black hair and brown eyes, he was tall too, had walked up to him. the boy resembled richie a lot, it's probably why he had agreed to go to hoco with him.

when richie found out, he was angry.

"that's my property." he had spat out at stan, who really didn't care and was too absorbed in his bird book to look up. "he's a person rich, not land."

"you get what i mean."
"no, i don't."
"yea. maybe because you've never gotten a chance with stutter boy."

stan looked up, cocked an eyebrow, but his expression remained calm. "i know you're trying to get under my skin because you're mad, but it won't work."

"wheeler?! why would he say yes to a kid who's last name is wheeler?" stan shrugged, "yours sounds like toaster. no one else complained."

"it does not!"
" a little."
"dude, who's side are you on?"

stan stood up to grab a pencil from his nightstand. "well, it's not a war-"

"it is now."

"- im on nobody's side rich."

"what kind or best friend are you?" he says sarcastically. flopping down on stan's bed. "the kind that will be honest with you. richie, if you really loved eddie, you wouldn't keep breaking up with him every time things get rough."

"i don't wanna burden him." richie whispered, looking at the ceiling. "so.. you break his heart instead?"

"you wouldn't understand." stan looked out his window, spotting a canary.
"no.. you're right, i don't think i would."

"what should i wear?" eddie asks beverly who's trying on her dresses. "a dress."
"well, yeah but what."

beverly shrugs, "how does this one look?" she opens the fitting room door and steps out. eddie opens his mouth dramatically in awe. "you look hot."

beverly giggled, "should i go.. more subtle?"
"are you kidding!? you look amazing, drop dead gorgeous, absolutely beautiful you-"

"okay! i got it." she blushed, "what about you?"
"i don't really like anything." eddie frowned, "not from here at least."
"let's check another boutique then. lemme just take this off and pay for it."

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