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So I saw this on tumblr and I wanted to remake it yeet. Idk who the original author is so uh, credits to them.

Eddie made his way to his boyfriends locker. Richie stood there fiddling with his lock, having no luck in opening it.

"Fucking shit, dammit, son of a motherfucking bitch."

Eddie giggled, "having trouble?" Richie turned around slowly, rolling his eyes. his look of annoyance turned into that of a lovesick puppies'. "Hey Eds."

He grabbed his boyfriends petite waist and pulled him into a sweet kiss. Eddie smiled and pulled away. the taller boy frowned, wanting to kiss Eddie's strawberry tasting lips.

"So I was thinking," Richie bit his lip. "My dad.. he uh wants you to come over for dinner." Richie's eyes widened in horror, Eddie's dad didn't really like him. He wasn't pleased when he found out his precious son was dating a trashmouth like Richie. Nonetheless, he allowed it because Eddie was so happy.

Frank didn't want to rip that away from him.

"Why?! did I do something wrong? I swear I haven't cracked a 'fucking your mom' joke in front of him." eddie laughed as he watched his dorky boyfriend panic.

he put a hand on Richie's shoulder. "No babe, he thinks he doesn't know you well enough. and he wants to make sure you're good for me." Richie visibly gulped, "fuck."

Eddie let out one of his incredibly cute giggles, "just be formal, and no jokes!"

"so you're telling me not to be myself?" Eddie bit his lip. he like richie the way he was, it's what made eddie fall so hard for him. "It's just for one night! so that my dad approves of us, please richie."

Richie sighed but slowly nodded. "Okay... I'll be there."

"Oh thank you!" Eddie threw his arms around his tall boyfriend's neck and began giving him sloppy kisses across his face.

Richie laughed at how adorable Eddie was, "okay okay!" Eddie chuckled and pecked him on the lips.

"I'll see you later!" richie watched as the short boy walked away, swaying his hips in rhythm.

Oh please don't let me say something stupid.


Richie Tozier sat in the rectangular dinner table next to his boyfriend. he wiped the perspiration off his forehead. He was beyond nervous.

Eddie noticed this and placed his hand over Richie's, "don't worry you'll do good." Richie gave him a small smile.

Soon everyone in the Kaspbrak household was seated.

Frank flared at richie who had his hand resting on Eddie's thigh. Richie looked up to see Frank with an angry look on his face. the tall boy quickly removed his hand and stared down in embarrassment.

"So richie," richie flinched and almost dropped his fork. "y-yes sir?" franks look of despise never left his face as he talked to richie.

"what're your intentions with my son?"

"Dad!" Richie gulped. Say the right thing, say the right thing!

"Umm..." seriously?! "I just want to treat your son right s-sir. make sure he's happy, and when he stops being content with me, I'll let him go. As long as he's happy.. even if it's not with me."

Eddie smiled lovingly. god, how much he loved this fool. the brunette wanted to grab his face and kiss him, but he couldn't.

A small smile formed in the corners of Frank's lips and Richie's confidence came back. thankfully, not too much of it.

The dinner was going on great until something had to happen.

Eddie wanted to make his dad happy, so he sugarcoated his words. he shouldn't have sugarcoated the following sentence however.

"Daddy, can you pass the salt?" Richie only heard 'pass the salt.' So, in an attempt to look courteous, he reached for the salt.

Now frank, he might be old and formal, but he is very aware of what a daddy kink is. He dropped his fork on the plate.

"uh, what the fuck?"

Richie, still holding the salt, made a face of total confusion. Eddie, in total shock, gasped. "No! Dad, we don't- I didn't-"

"what the fuck?!" Richie, salt in hand, gulps. "Wait what?"

"Dad I swear!"


By now richie is not only confused but scared, "sir if I did anything to upset you-"

Eddie slapped a hand over his boyfriends mouth, "richie shut up! Dad, we don't do those things I swear!"

Richie carefully removed Eddie's small hand from his mouth, "do what things?!"

Frank began to calm down and looked at richie. his expression softened seeing how perplexed the raven haired boy was.

"I swear I was only passing the salt, sheesh." Frank laughed, "I'm sorry rich, you're a good fella."

Richie's eyes widened. "Does that mean-"

"Yes." Richie forgot about being polite and pumped  his fists in the air, "fuck yea!"

Sonia cleared her throat, "language." Richie blushed, "sorry Mrs.K."

Richie eyed the salt shaker before staring at Eddie.

"Do you still want the salt?"

So most of this was actually me. the inspo was the salt, so frank getting angry and richie not hearing "daddy" - all that is from the original person who wrote that. the beginning was my idea and so was the ending.

Anyways this was fun :)

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