best friend pt1

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song; you get me so high, the neighbourhood.
pairing; stan/richie

when Stanley Uris was five, he dreaded school. it might've been that he had no friends. or that nobody ever wanted to talk to him. it could've been that maybe his anxiety, yet to be diagnosed, nagged at him. he knew at an early age there was something wrong with him. he remembers being at a grocery store with his mommy and tugging on her sleeve sharply. "do you think there's something wrong with me?"
long sentences like these never surprised andrea uris. Stan had learned to talk at a young age, he was, as the doctor had described him, very well developed for a five year old. mommy had been proud. however, she'd never had expected her son to ask such a question.

"why do you ask, stanny?" he shrugged and grabbed a box of cheerios. "i get scared."
"what do you mean?"
"i get sad. i worry."

"you're just nervous for school." she had smiled and stroked his hair. "no."
"i get.. icky."

"icky?" he nodded, "i cant explain it."
"alright. tomorrow, i'll ask your teacher."
stan looked at her, "what would she know?"

she kneeled down so that she was eye level with her son, "well, she's a teacher and her job is to observe and make sure everything is okay with the kids. if she sees something wrong with you, she'll know." stan nodded and didn't say anything else after that.

the next day, andrea had asked his teacher, miss perrywinkle, if she noticed stan acting strange. she had described stan as.. lonely. his mother had sighed, "the kids don't talk to him and he doesn't talk to them." his teacher said, "he'll overcome that, won't he?"

miss perrywinkle sighed and took off her glasses, "see, kids are usually really enthusiastic. they make friends easily, they don't have good judge of character. but stan.." she looked at the small boy playing in the sandbox, alone, "he's different. he.. chooses his friends i guess."

"but he has none."
"well, he hasn't found someone worth judging."

the week ended and here came the weekend, that went by fast too and so school started back up.

"recess!" miss perrywinkle cheered. all the kids dashed out of the classroom and ran over to the playground, not stan. he lurked around the classroom. "go on stan, have fun." he pouted and walked out.

the swings were just as he. lonely and deserted.
he walked to them and tried to lean into the seat. he was rather short so it was difficult but he managed. he swung himself slowly, watching the sand underneath his feet. it was so still and stan wondered, maybe one day i'll be still too.

"hey!" a little voice rang out and broke stan out of his thoughts. he looked up seeing a skinny, pale, tall looking kid. his hair was a mess. a wild wavy mess though it was curling at the ends. he had a gap in between his pearly white teeth. he was missing a few too. he had a bandaid on his cheek and huge round glasses, but stan saw the bright blue behind them. the boy was dressed in beige shorts and a red hawaiian shirt. his shoes looked big on him, but he walked fine. his lips were thin and he had a scattered mess of freckles on his cheeks and nose.

"im richie," the freckled boy said, "what's your name?" stan looked at him, "im.. stanley. but my family calls me stan."
"oi stan, we gon be best buds foreva!" stan giggled, "why are you talking like that?" richie shrugged, "people on the telly do voices all the time! can i sit there?" stan nodded. richie had no difficulties getting on the swing.

"why are your glasses so big?" stan whispered, looking at richie in awe, "im bout blind as a dog."
"i don't think that's the right saying." stan laughed lightly, "oops. that's the joke then."
"what is?"
"the dog."
"i dont get it."

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