ruin my life pt3

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richie kept his head down as he passed the school lockers. he turned a corner and ran right into the person he was hoping to avoid forever.

"richie!" eddie gasped, stumbling a little. "hey eds. you okay?"
"me? don't worry about me, are you okay?" he ran his finger over the many bruises on richie's face and richie moved his head away. "i'm fine."

eddie frowned, "whyd you do it?"
"doesn't matter."
"yes it does" eddie scoffed, "only a person with that much anger does something that fucking stupid."

"okay. i get it, im stupid. can you leave me alone now?" eddie bit his lip, saying nothing else but richie knew all of eddie's faces. and this was an upset one. he sighed, lifting eddie's chin with his finger, "i'm sorry, i didn't mean that"

"you're not stupid richie." eddie whispered, "im sorry i said that, i was just scared."
"of what?"
"of you getting hurt."

richie smiled softly, "im alright eddie."
"you never answered." richie raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"whyd you hit him?" richie considered telling him but did he really want to?
"because he-" he paused. he looked at eddie's face. the moonlight shone on his face and his freckles bathed in the light. "because he was using you eddie.. you were just a pawn in his game of chess. he just wanted you to make someone else jealous."

eddie didn't say anything, "im not making this up."
"i know. i believe you."

richie blinked, "you do?" eddie smiled, "i don't think you'd get in a fight with a sophomore and risk your reputation just because you felt like it." he hugged richie's waist and richie rested his chin on eddie's head. eddie looked up and stood on his toes. the shoes he was wearing had a tall platform, so they added height. richie looked down at eddie who was leaning up to kiss him.

"you know we can't keep doing this, right eddie?" eddie stopped, "doing what?"
"finding and losing each other."

"then we wont do that!"
"no eddie, this has to end."
eddie shook his head, grabbing richies arm, "i don't want it to."

"me neither" he exhaled, "but it has to." he kissed eddie's forehead, ran his fingers through eddie's hair and turned away. richie walked out of the school. he was just outside the schools front gates when he heard eddie yell out, "i heard you."

"what?" he turned again and eddie ran after him, "i heard you with stan.. you love him?"

richie looked at him unbelievably, "no. i dont, platonically, yes. but i'm not in love with stan."
"then why do we have to be over?"
"because all i ever do is ruin your life."

he made an attempt to turn back around but eddie grabbed him, "well, maybe i want you to ruin my life." his lip was trembling and richie tried not to show any signs of sadness but seeing eddie's eyes tear up wasn't an easy sight.

"i know you're not perfect chee" he spoke softly, holding richies hand, "i never asked you to be and i don't want you to be. i love you for you and i don't want you to be different. yea, we do mess up but everyone makes mistakes and we're just kids. we don't know everything.. that's why we have to try. so that we can be better."

richie couldnt form a sentence and so eddie continued, "we're fifteen. we've got so many more years ahead of us to figure stuff out some more. but if you don't try now, i don't think i'll be able to wait around for you. and i know you love me richie, that's why i cant let you go. i know you don't want to let me go either. so please, don't leave me."

"i'm not gonna leave you eddie." richie whispered, pulling eddie close to him and enveloping him in a hug. "i love you."

"i love you too chee." he sniffed, "let's get you home, you look awful."

"thanks" eddie rolled his eyes and took richie's hand. "by the way, stop asking girls out. everyone knows you're really fucking gay."

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